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"Porsche didn't betray you. At least not in the way you thought he did"

Kinn could not believe it. Why would his father talk about that? Why is he talking as if he's backing Porsche up. For what?

"I don't want to talk about Porsche, Pa." Kinn replies calmly.

"I figured but if you want to know about it, come to me and I'll explain." Korn said.

"Sure, pa. Now if you'd excuse me." Kinn bowed and turned to leave the room.


Pete found it hard to sleep after seeing Vegas' message to him. Still, he isn't sure about whether or not to tell Kinn about it. Maybe he can handle it himself for now.

The value of a product to Vegas clearly still does appreciate whenever Kinn touches it. That's what he must still be to Vegas. He left with Porsche when Kinn was madly in love with him.

Wait, that thought made Pete feel tight in the chest. Kinn madly in love with someone else. What the fuck? He thought.

He chooses not to delve into the emotion. He's too old to be jealous and possessive. Besides, he needs to be a cool person so he'd be able to inspire and not embarrass Venice.

"Hey, Venice? Pa will be cooler and braver and stronger for you, okay? So you just relax there and get your beauty rest. Pa will take care of everything." He softly says to Venice who was sleeping in his little bed next to Pete's, surrounded by multiple foldable borders like a crib. He'd have to send Venice home to his condo unit the next day and his heart aches. He won't be able to see Venice as often as he'd like but while he is a bodyguard at the main family, he is promised protection for Venice, courtesy of Kinn. And he sighs.

Regardless of everything, he still fears for Venice. Especially now when Vegas is obviously trying to re-enter the picture. He removes a piece of toy-block Venice is holding. It's very light and thoughtfully too big for Venice to ingest. He thanks Tankhun for thinking about it when ordering the toy online. And then he remembers Kinn and Venice playing with the blocks earlier.

He remembers Kinn's innocent smile as he played with Venice. The Mafia boss disappearing in his image. Pete knows Kinn appears perfect, and so well-kempt every time to the delight of some and disappointment of most. Vegas being one of the disappointed ones. Still, Pete never thought that about Kinn. Him and Kinn basically grew up together. He saw how hard Kinn worked. He saw the sacrifices Kinn made, the pain he endured and hid really well, he saw the way Kinn's heart broke every time he fell in love and got betrayed. He knew this. He saw Kinn's bad and good sides. And while it may have been bad to tell Vegas, Pete always knew Kinn was good because he did his hardest and only competed with himself even when he was always encouraged to compete against others.

He knows, Vegas detests Kinn and he didn't call him out for it. He didn't want to rub it in Vegas' face that he's just jealous because Kinn gets what he wants. He didn't want to hurt Vegas back then, and besides, he knows there is no point in comparisons anyway. The ones who love you will love you for who you are. Life is no contest, he always wanted to tell him but he did once and if Vegas doesn't get it once, he's not going to get it no matter how many times he's told. Pete sighs.


Why are you still doing it to me now? Why can't you be satisfied with breaking me into pieces the first, second, and third time? Why is it never enough for you?

"Did you love ever me?"

"You satisfied me in bed and I couldn't complain. Now I've had my fun. You can pack your bags and go or you can just wait for me until I get home and maybe I'll fuck you when I decide you deserve it. It's your call."

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