Her Victim

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"She... she is a witch."

As if those words were loud Isadora instinctively covered her ears with her both hands. Her body was shaking but if one didn't stay still to notice, no one would know that she felt like she was going to die any minute from now. Her eyes went to the floor and she could see a small red liquid splatter on the cold floor, her toes shaking in her shoe in response to the pathetic sight, no one would be able to see it except they bend closer because of the dim light at the entrance.

If something or anyone didn't help her soon, she would be deprived of blood and she would have to be donated some. Which wasn't an easy process. But still, she felt she wouldn't die, not now, if God wanted her to die, she would have, a long time ago.

And about the little girl, she didn't feel dizzy because of what she heard, she just felt like something had already deprived her body of the real oxygen and she couldn't breathe in again but she tried to compose herself and focus on saving the poor girl.

The man beside the girl looked worried, scared that he might have said something that he wasn't supposed to but when he saw that the princess' expression changed drastically to that of curiosity, he was encouraged to tell her more. He wanted to save the poor girl like she was his sibling.

"How is that even possible? Why would you blame her for such a thing?" Isadora questioned.

As if something hit the man's chest so hard, he felt like there was no way this kid would be saved. The princess didn't even believe such a thing exists, how then would she believe that the girl had done many horrible things?

"See?" Elvis questioned, satisfied, his eyes went unto Isadora's and she forcibly looked at him in confusion, "Isadora, I warned you several times. This isn't what you should shove your nose into. The girl standing before you is more than you think of her."

Isadora stared at the girl who was looking at her back with tearful eyes, "If witches truly exist and if she is one, then leave her. She didn't create herself, she didn't choose to be one, so leave that innocent alone!" Her voice increased at the last word making the corridor walls bounce in echo.

The looks on Isadora were something unexplainable. It seemed they didn't understand what she said or she didn't understand what they said rather.

Just like the beasts, the witches were considered harmful because they create awful spells on humans to gain what they want and whatever they always wanted was blood. They could do anything but they always insisted on getting paid with blood.

If a witch could cultivate a love charm for a woman, that witch would demand someone as payback and if the witch was denied her payback, she would go on to take the person's closest relative or perhaps someone different. Someone different like the person who the charm was used on. So what was the essence of using the love charm?

Rumours made it known that perhaps, human blood was used by the witches to increase their demonic power.

The man who Isadora had known to be Cole but chose not to admit it stared at Isadora, eyes wide opened, "I do not say for her to be exempted because she is more than toxic, I only wish for her not to be slain. The little girl isn't as little as she is. Up there," he pointed at his head, "she is as grown as a full adult. Do not underestimate her."

Seeing that she was speechless and didn't know what to say, Elvis used the opportunity to order them away and to decree that the little girl would be hung when the cock crows.

Isadora had no idea they were already off her sight until she jotted back to reality and looked around, "Elvis... where is she?"

"Cole has taken her away. The denizens of Venesia need less threat at this moment. "

Isadora wasn't ready to anger him or tease him, she was thinking of something else, "Elvis...I want to adopt her. Let me, please." Isadora said in response. While she was still stunned about the witches existing, she tried not to be too shocked.

Rumours had made it known that her mother was a witch who was burnt alive, maybe they were right. Maybe they were right that witches exist. That her mother was one and was killed because of that. Maybe she thought she didn't want such a thing to happen to the girl. Or maybe she was just being sympathetic or maybe... or maybe.... maybe nothing. She couldn't say.

Why was she believing the rumours about her mother now? Why didn't she believe anymore that her mother died two days immediately after her labour and was killed by the royal syndrome? Why did all the news she had been told appear to be lies now? Or why did they seem to be daylight lies?

But another part of her mind didn't want to believe that she was a witch's daughter and she wanted to adopt a witch. But why should she believe? She had been hoodwinked and told lies almost every day. The worse of it, her father gave her to an old man as a mistress and expect her to keep her virginity for the old man when he had lost his many years ago?

But deep inside her mind, she wanted to know where Oswald was and what happened to him. Though she was scared of knowing as she wouldn't take it if he was hurt but she wanted to know. And couldn't a witch tell her? If they were right about it, couldn't a witch help her in finding him, and couldn't a witch also help her in curing her disease?

Maybe she wanted to exploit her or not but she felt pure sympathy towards the poor girl.

"Who is her mother, I want to adopt her."

Elvis wasn't entertained by her behaviours anymore, in fact, he was angered and any word of hers made him go berserk that he was trying to hide it. She was a woman and was weak. It was no need to show her what he could do and besides she was the mistress to his lord, anything could happen to her if he finally spots her boldness. That was the exact reason he tried to control himself. But he also wanted her to know that adopting her wasn't something he could approve of. "His lord can only approve that."

"Then where is he? I want to see that old man," Isadora blurted.

Isadora couldn't understand the sudden laugh that was erupting from Elvis but she was serious, "Where is he, I want to see him right away. It appears that he also lacks manner just like his men," she pointed out angrily, "I have been here for the past one hour and he hasn't even come to take a look at me?"

Elvis smirked, "Take a look at you?"

"Yes... Not what you are thinking. I mean he hasn't even come to check if I was okay." Isadora didn't like the face he was putting on. She couldn't even blush at the word she was mistaken to be saying, he was an old man and she would have burnt her cheeks if it was Oswald.

"Listen..." Elvis's voice was rigid and serious, even his face showed that he wasn't joking but Isadora didn't care anymore, he might want to ask her if she was a virgin again or anything related but her eyes were filled with horror and shock when Elvis continued, "The blood on the girl's cloth isn't hers." He paused, "It was her victim."

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