She Is Delilah

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Elvis stood right as he watch his lordship come out from his chamber. "She does not seem to remember you." He stated. He knew so well that his lordship in his entire life had been searching for Isadora and they had used different methods which failed but at last they successfully caught her, the next on the list was to make her regain her memories.

The man didn't answer as he walked out of the chamber, he walked slowly away from it to keep her unbearable noise away from his hearing. For a second he looked at the way Elvis stared at the door before he followed him.

The duo kept walking through the corridors, their steps echoing but as the man halted Elvis did the same. "I had thought she was the one but on looking closer she seemed entirely different."

"How my lord? Who knows if she is also aware of it and keeps pretending she doesn't know you to escape your upcoming wrath. It would made sense for any woman to do so, especially when the rumour of acting like the devil had filled the air," Elvis said. He had been trying to read through the new mistress and spot out should there be something behind her attitude and if she had successfully hidden it.

Elvis knew how significant this information was to his lordship. Sometimes, he had seen him boil into the darkest fury and demand on squeezing the life out of the new mistress. His lordship didn't just want to kill her abruptly within the two days she was unconscious, he wanted to torture her until she begged for death. But this woman did not look like she could harm a fly. She was just too young to be that person his lordship had despised so much.

The man's breath became still before replying, "If she was that specific person, the poison would not have worked on her. Delilah would not have been affected by the poison in any bit, she would have even spotted the poison before it is being used on her. Such a hint would not have passed through her without her noticing." Elvis knew this was the longest his lordship ever spoke but he was further surprised when he noticed that there were still some words lingering to come out, "Delilah would not have watched me hold her wrist and get poisoned as a result. But still, she..." He hesitated, "she smells just like her. Whenever I get close to her, the sudden hatred that sparkles within me is nothing close to the one I have ever felt. The sudden-hatred feeling as being from the beginning till now. There is no difference between Delilah's face and Isadora's."

Elvis was dumbfounded, he had no idea of all these all along. He had no idea of what his lordship had been feeling all this while. Never in his life had he seen him talk about whatever was locked in his mind for so long and with the greatest pile of hatred.

He understood why his lordship seemed to be this troubled, if he was the one he would have sucked the blood out of the new mistress not even considering if she truly was Delilah. Despite that, his lordship looked calm. But he also could understand his other point of view. The new mistress looked fierce but never looked like someone who could kill or torture. In short, Isadora did not look like someone whose only joy was to torment people till they die.

His lordship voice jolted him out of his reverie, "Who fed on her?" Elvis shook a bit. He watched how his violet eyes boomed into their darkest shade. His face even became paler devoid of any emotion. One would even doubt if he was the same man who was pouring out his emotion just now.

"I have no idea. No one could have dared trespass," Elvis responded. His heart was beating louder, he was scared of what might happen if his lordship finds out who did it. He was even sorry for the person already as he knew what pain he would have to go through before finally let to die. The main reason he was scared was not to be accused of doing such. That should not even happen. Should he be the one accused by his lordship of that, he already knew his fate.

The man increased his proximity towards Elvis, "And why do I think you are the only one capable of defying my rules."

Elvis' dark golden hair floated in the air for a little as there was a sudden cold wind in the corridor. The cold wind hit his skin hard before driving into its hottest temperature. The warm wind did the worse to him. He felt as though he would burn to ashes. No...they do not burn to ashes. "My lord, I would never do such. I have successfully controlled my hunger for a whole year."

The man's eyes squeezed, "and the hunger successfully breaks its bondage?" His eyes were too tempting, "You are the first to go after her which in your view is to erase the thoughts of it being you, is it not?"

"Your ....I. I am not-"

"I know. Find out who he is." Immediately after he was done, he felt the need to check after the lady in her room. "Go now and keep the little witch on guard. You can not let her escape, you know what that means if she does."

Elvis bowed a little, "Yes, my lord."

Without even hesitating, the man trotted back to his chamber. His eyes turned solid all of a sudden as he gazed at the door. He already knew what she was doing. What again did he need to know? It was Delilah. She is Delilah.

He opened the door and walked inside, his eyes not even widening a bit as he heard her scream.

He watched her frightening posture. She was just too weak.

"You have been eavesdropping." He stated.

Though it wasn't a question it sounded like one. "And what would you do should I do so?"

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