You Just Defiled Me

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Isadora's eyes jolted open as if she was immediately woken up by something alarming. Her eyes were already filled with tears as she sat uprightly in the bed.

Everywhere was a bit bright, it seemed it was just evening but she felt like she was alone. Like she might be forever alone. The nightmare she had was too terrifying for her to even assimilate.

The fox in her dream. The way it tore Oswald, that sight trembled her more than death.

She had never dreamt in years and she wondered what her dream implied. Why did she have that dream now? Was this a revelation or has it happened already? Was the dream communicating to her that that was the reason she had not heard from Oswald or was it true that Oswald was attacked just like what the guards had suggested?

No, it mustn't be.

Within that moment she was devoid of any thoughts except from the dream. Forgetting she was not in her previous chamber at home, she abruptly leaped up to the door, threatening to open it and go search after Oswald, she wouldn't even heed to whatever her father might want to say seeing her run out of the palace like that in a trembling state.

When she was about to open the door, a hand caught her wrist and pulled her away, due to her unbalanced stature she forcefully hit her head towards something soft. "Not so quick, Clumsy."

Her eye opened more widely in shock at who was before her. What the bleeding devil?! Who was this preventing her from looking for Oswald?

"Who...who are you?" She asked, her voice faint, she could feel the sweat on her chin already drying, her heart beating fast, should something happen to Oswald there was nothing that would make her forgive him. "What are you doing here?!"

The man looked at her like she was the most amazing creature on Earth. Her gaze was still fixed on him while her mind rumbled over what might have happened to Oswald.

Who was this man before her? Who was he? Was she dead? Was she in heaven? Was she dead already? Or...was she having another nightmare?

"Escaping after being saved is one way to hell."

Hearing that voice drew her away from the drowsiness she was pulled into.

With the sudden realisation, she instinctively drew her hand to touch that skin on her neck.

She should have recognised him sooner but it was her first time seeing him. this the man her father had said was his friend?

Bleeding hell! He was incredulously young! She was expecting an old man, though his voice the other night when he declared that she would serve the mistresses was young and a bit smooth, she did not think this was he.

She bowed her head slightly, "I...I had no idea you were here. How long have I been asleep and..."

Not answering her, he took her wrist back and pulled her to the bed she had just gotten up from. Her eyes were still large, her brown eyes sparkling as she kept gazing at the man, for some reason she found it hard to pull off her gaze.

He must have bleached his hair, her subconscious whispered to her as her gaze wavered from his head to his eyebrows. Then to his eyes. His eyes left very little contrast between that of his hair. She shrieked when her gaze met his eyes again, it was really scary.

His eyes were like violet crystals under the sunlight. It sparkled while reflecting nothing.

What was she saying? He couldn't have bleached his hair. His hair was a mixture of ink black and milky violet. What had he done to his hair to make him this awful! He looked like he had woken up from under the pit of hell. Or it was...or he looked like he had killed many people and splattered their crimson blood on his hair till they turn devilish blue and red! What was she even saying? Why was she thinking in a very strange way?

Why was his appearance this bothering to her? did this man have mistresses? Did- maybe he had forced those ladies just like he had forced her. A thoughtful lady wouldn't just admit to being a mistress to someone who could at night wake up to stab every single organ in a woman's body.

"Just two days. Should the butler come and serve you breakfast, prepare yourself for the upcoming ball and be ready to serve all the mistresses in the ball." He said to her, it looked like he wasn't aware that she was frozen and at the same time shaking as if she had spent hours building an igloo that had suddenly collapsed.

On the other hand, he looked as if he had said too much already but still, he wanted to make something known to her despite knowing it sounded fictional, "be careful at night. Some awful creatures feed on blood." He paused, "they are quite dangerous."

Just by hearing that, everything that transpired came unto her. That sudden silence at the door, then random noises, then knocks, then silence, then hearing her name, and all was just too overbearing. She had not planned to stay awake from her chamber that night!

And...and she had thought she would bleed to death. Why wasn't she dead yet? She had lost too much blood.

Her gaze lowered down at her dress, and she gasped, "I...where is the blood on ..."

"Don't be too dumb. You are wearing a new dress," he replied, bored. He stood up from the chair beside the bed and walked to the door but he turned back, "Don't expect this attitude from me. I am not a babysitter, take care of yourself."

"Wait-" she shouted, "Wait...did, who changed me up?"

"I did." Was his short reply as his hand held the door's frame but her reply made him turn back to her.

"How dare you?!" She instinctively stood up trying to punch his face but the pain in her neck and stomach weakened her.

The man's eyes were staring dagger at her, "Watch your tongue."

Though the pain that was tossing in and out of her stomach was throbbing every second she managed to stand back on her seat with a tight groan, "You are a pervert. You just defiled me, you bastard." Her mind was behaving weirdly. This man seeing her nakedness was something she had never thought of. Now, she was feeling like a used tissue. Used and dumped. Forever unclean. Any man seeing a woman's nakedness is more than liable to be killed, even such a woman would behold herself as shame forever.

And this man. This man she just knew had seen every inch of her. She felt more and more disgusted with herself. She had never been insecure. The sudden atmosphere turned cold as she watch the man stare at her darkly. "There is one thing you should remember. You are a woman, an adult, and my mistress and I could do whatever I want with that body of yours." He paused. His eyes not blinking, "It is mine. You are mine." He blinked once, "Funny, I have not touched you yet."

She felt as though she should punch him to death. But his menacing stares were enough to drive the thoughts all away. But still, she couldn't keep the heavy log in her heart. It seemed that the log was causing more harm. The log was killing her fast and she was bleeding too frequently. "That is so untrue. I...I am not something you can own, you bleeding man, I am your mistress only by title." She breathed deeply, pain sipping throughout her stomach. Why was she feeling so weird? Another pang in her tummy pushed her to the bed and she groaned in anger. "Only by title." Her voice was very weak.

"You are poisoned. That should punish you for the rest of the month." He abruptly said as he exited the chamber.

Her eyes widened. was she poisoned?

Her hand caught a handful of the cloth she saw on her body when she woke up.

Her insides felt like it was kicking against her and at the same time, she felt something was running marathons within her.

The pain from her neck suddenly increased and the pain from her leg that looked like had disappeared ran back to her. "Arrgh!" She screamed. Tears fell from her huge eyes.

Why was she so unfortunate?

'Is Oswald alright?'

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