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The boat had begun its journey, the man who invited the team currently sat in the bottom deck, or as the team had come to know him as, Egor.

Liam stood out on the top deck with his arms over the railing, leaning over, and looking down into the water.

Alfie walked over to him, standing up and putting his hands on the railing. "How are you doing?" He asked.

"I'm doing fine. What about you?" Asked Liam, in a low voice.

"Liam. Are you really?" Asked Alfie in a concerned tone.

"In all honesty? No, I'm not. I'm thinking of Eric 24/7 and what that scumbag did to him. He could've just shot him in the head and killed him instantly, but no, instead he let Eric die slowly." Said Liam furiously.

"I can't say the same. I didn't get a chance to say goodbye to Ellie before she died but I would rather the way she went than dying slowly. That was cruel of Theo" said Alfie.

"It was. Eric was the closest person I ever had to me that wasn't family. He accepted me, didn't try to change me, he loved me, and visa versa. I will make it my mission that Theo goes the same way he made Eric go" Liam mumbled.

"What happened to him? He was the loveliest man when he lived with us" asked Alfie.

"People change, and I'll make sure Theo changes from dead to alive" threatened Liam.

Meanwhile, at the very back of the ship, Kurt, Diane and Romeo looked out over the railing.

"So, if we do hopefully get the ship up and running, what happens next?" Asked Kurt.

"I was wondering the same" chimed in Romeo.

"Well even if the ship does get fixed, we still need to get back into the temporal zone and manage to get back into our timeline" replied Diane.

"After that?" Asked Kurt.

"If we do get back to Hollyoaks, we need to kill them two gangs, leaders included, and if it comes to it, we can add Theo to that list. After that? We go after the creed. Even if it takes us months, YEARS EVEN! They will fall and Hollyoaks will finally be liberated. Only then, our work is done" explained Diane.

For the rest of the day, the team continued to talk and look out into the water, until it reached night time and they went down to the bottom deck to sleep.

The next morning.

The boat had finally reached Romania, stopping at a dock, the sailor woke up Egor and the team, the six of them eagerly getting off of the ship.

They all walked away from the docks, they were now in a town that was below a large mountain, which had a road going all the way up until it reached a large hotel.

Egor led them down a sidewalk through the town until they reached a small garage. "I rent this place. Wait here" he said, before entering a pin code into a machine beside the shutters.

The shutters rolled up, revealing a fancy car, with a seat back to back with the drivers and passenger seat with three other seats in the back.

Egor got out the keys to this car and unlocked it, getting inside of it through the driver's door.

"Diane, come in" beckoned Egor, smiling.

Diane sat in the passenger's seat, Alfie in the seat behind Diane, Romeo in the seat behind Egor, then in the row of three seats, first was Liam, then Kurt at the other side.

Egor drove out of the garage, before getting out of the car and entering the pin code again, the shutters rolling down.

He then got back inside of the car driving away from the town, as Alfie noticed the name of the town, Transylvania. As the car began to drive up the mountain road.

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