Chapter 15 - Daniela

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By the time Y/N woke up, his entire body felt as if it had been trampled by horses. Each limb and muscle seemed to ache, and as he cracked open his eyes, squinting through the sunlight streaming in from the tall window on the other side of the room, he heard himself groaning with discomfort as he rolled over. 

Mercifully, the sheets of the bed were soft and cool against his bruised skin, and after the first few minutes of painful awakening, Y/N felt himself almost melting back into the mattress in relief. The pain and stress of weeks of strenuous, back-breaking work, chill nights and hard covers, topped off with a last-minute fight against a gang of wolf-human hybrids seemed to almost drain from him into the soft, white sheets.

Distantly, Y/N heard a shifting of fabric, and with a sigh of resignation, he cracked open one eye to spot Daniela knelt beside his bed, her chin propped upon her hands and she leant on the edge of the mattress.

'Good morning, manthing.' She giggled. 'Let's have some fun?' With a groan, Y/N closed his eyes again, and he heard Daniela sigh exasperatedly. 'Come on! I'm boorrred!' She began to tug at his arm, and Y/N felt himself sliding out of bed.  

'Arghhhhh... alright!' Y/N told her groggily, rubbing his eyes as Daniela released him, sitting up in bed before squinting at the beaming girl. 'Were you... watching me sleep?'

'You looked so peaceful.' Daniela giggled. 'Sooo cute!' Y/N growled irritably, then swung his legs out of beg and began to get dressed, attempting to shield himself from the prying eyes of Daniela as she watched him with a sly grin. 

The youngest daughter's face was still traced with blood, lesser in amount this early in the morning, and her head was uncovered. The hood which normally shrouded her flaming red hair now hung down her back from her thin, elegant shoulders, exposing her snowy-pale throat and collarbone to the light, as well as the tattoo which marked her forehead, and a strange, curved scar which marked one side of her head that Y/N hadn't noticed before, where the hair was cut shorter.

Y/N realized he was staring at Daniela, then hastily shook himself, wincing as he glanced around instead to the bright window on his other side, letting out a hiss of pain as his eyes adjusted to the light.

'Not a morning person?' Daniela asked innocently. Y/N growled irritably under his breath, and after pulling on his new white shirt, he glanced back at the red-haired woman as she bounced up and down lightly on the balls of her feet, grinning infectiously.  

'What is it that you want me to do?' Y/N asked painedly

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'What is it that you want me to do?' Y/N asked painedly. 'I was planning to get started on my cabin's repairs today.'

'You can do that later!' Daniela whined, bouncing forwards and grabbing Y/N's elbow before pulling him towards the doorway. 'I want to play!'

'Nothing strange!' Y/N told her quickly, but Daniela only laughed.

'I promised I wouldn't make you do anything strange, didn't I?' She asked with a grin, pushing open the door and practically dragging Y/N through it. 'Besides, if you spend some of your morning with me, I'll make sure to sneak you some of my breakfast before you go?'

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