Chapter 32 - Lord Heisenberg

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'Hmm... you're better off than I thought.' Lord Heisenberg's dark glasses flashed as he took a long draw from his glowing cigar, a gloved hand poking painfully at Y/N's ribs. 'Frankly, I'm surprised you're still kicking.'

Y/N groaned slightly, a witty response cocked and ready, but the taste of blood and water was still strong in his mouth, and his crushed lungs still gasping for breath, so he simply coughed weakly upon the table, trying to curl into himself protectively as the lord scoffed beside him, booted footsteps moving around the table to stand in front of him, peering down clinically over his glowing cigar.

'Quite the beating you took.' Heisenberg commented contemptuously, flicking away the cigar ash with a gloved fingertip. 'All that from my "darling" sister?'

'... most of it... yeah...'

Y/N groaned, looking down at his torso through watering eyes. He was unclothed, save his underwear, and his shivering skin was pale, easily pale enough to be a true Dimitrescu, with a pad of cotton dressing taped to his left hip, upon which a dark, bloody stain was rapidly spreading.

He shivered, remembering the flash of searing pain he had felt as the Countess impaled him upon her talons, and the pale, horrified faces of the three girls as he had been dropped from the bridge into the inky river below. He groaned again, falling back onto the metal table with a clang, and Heisenberg chuckled slightly.

On Y/N's other side, there came a gurgling cough, and Y/N turned groggily to look towards it. A few feet away across the worskhop's grubby floor, another figure sprawled upon a second metal table: grey skin scarred and pitted, riddled with iron pipes and bolts that wove through its emaciated flesh. Its eyes were wide, white, and staring, and as it groaned weakly, Heisenberg groaned exasperatedly.

'Ugh... give me a minute, will ya?' He said to Y/N, almost apologetically, before he strode quickly around his table and snapped his fingers, approaching the creature. From a table at the other end of the workshop there came a loud rattle of metal, before a large screwdriver shot through the air towards Heisenberg. The Lord snatched it out of the air as it shot towards him, pinning the creature's head to the table and getting to work, his body blocking Y/N's view as the creature's legs thrashed wildly. 

'Argh! It's like a damn lottery with these things!' Heisenberg growled, giving the screwdriver a sharp crank with one hand, causing the creature's legs to flail even more madly as it spasmed upon the table. 'Never know when one's gonna start actin' up!'

Heisenberg gave the screwdriver another savage twist, and with a whimper, the creature flopped back down limply onto the table. Heisenberg sighed, then turned back to Y/N and tossed the screwdriver down with a clatter, wiping his hands dispassionately on his overcoat as he made his way towards him.

Behind him, Y/N saw the creature staring blankly upwards into the ceiling, and in its open chest cavity, a small, fleshy thing pulsed softly, wiry tentacles waving helplessly at its host. Heisenberg coughed, pulling a metal chair towards him and taking a seat beside Y/N, his dark glasses boring into him as he eyed Y/N critically, following his gaze to the creature on the table behind him.

'Not one of my greatest experiments.' He shrugged, taking another deep pull on his cigar. 'It's rejecting the Cadou. I'll dispose of it when I'm done with you.'

'Cadou?' Y/N repeated quickly, a flicker of recognition flitting across his mind. Heisenberg blinked at him over his glasses. 

'Yeah, you at least know what they are, right?' He asked.

Y/N hesitated. He had been warned about Lord Heisenberg from Duke, but surely if he were in any immediate danger, it would have been made obvious by now? He eyed the body behind the lord, watching the Cadou's growths waving gently in the air, and felt curiousity begin to gnaw at him again. 

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