Chapter 19 - After Dinner Entertainments

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The supper that Y/N spent with Bela, Daniela and Cassandra was one of the best of his life. Once it had been made clear that they were only to eat food made by regular ingredients, all the tension and stress seemed to melt out of Y/N's body. The sandwiches and snacks they were served were apparently some sort of special treat for the girls, as when they were not dining on "other" foodstuffs, their mother requested that they eat only the finest meals befitting their station, which seemed to become a little boring after decades of repetition.

The conversation and laughter flowed like wine as they ate, with Y/N managing to expertly defuse the few minor altercations between Cassandra and Daniela, much to Bela's relief and gratitude, and by the time desert was served, the eldest sister's defenses seemed almost entirely thawed. Bela's bright, slightly wolfish grin was now the brightest at the table, and Y/N discovered, to his delight, that the two of them made quite the pairing with their conversations.

They both had a vested interest in making sure that Cassandra and Daniela got along, and shared a similarly sharp, and occasionally sarcastic sense of humour, which they managed to play off each other like a double-act on stage. Whilst Cassandra was still a little defensive at times, and Dani sometimes a little too excitable, Bela and Y/N worked together almost seamlessly to make the whole evening go off without a hitch.

The sandwiches, biscuits and snacks disappeared almost faster than the maids could serve them, and after a fantastic final course made up of sweets and small cakes native to the region, the meal ended, and the four of them moved to the hall, lingering for a moment around the huge, crackling fireplace, basking in its warmth as the tone of the conversation turned quieter, and the night drew in around the castle.

'Thank you.' Bela told Y/N gratefully as they relaxed in the fire's warmth, listening to Daniela and Cassandra bicker playfully back and forth across the sofa opposite them. The bare skin of the three girls seemed to glow softly under the gentle flickering firelight, their shoulders soft and smooth against the glittering black droplets of sequins and jewelry upon their dresses, and their hair shimmering like liquid gold, copper and onyx around each of their faces. 

'This evening meant a lot to me. I'm glad we could have a normal supper, like we used to.'  

'It was my pleasure.' Y/N smiled, realizing that he meant it completely sincerely as Bela returned his smile. 'I'm glad that they seem to be getting along now, at any rate. And dinner was fantastic. Thank you for including me.' Bela's smile broadened, and opposite them, Cassandra and Daniela both got to their feet. 

'Bela?' Cassandra called over to them, and the two of them turned to face the two girls. 'It is late, I think I shall retire upstairs soon.' 

'Me too.' Daniela added, batting her dark eyelashes at Y/N, her golden eyes sparkling through them as she smiled coyly. 'Y/N, would you walk me upstairs?'

'Daniela...' Bela chided her sister gently, but Y/N stood, holding out an arm to the youngest sister with a smile. 

'Of course, Lady Daniela.' He replied, barely managing to suppress a grin. Dani squeaked gleefully, then took Y/N's arm and held it tightly to her as the two of them moved towards the stairs. As they began to move slowly up them, Y/N felt Daniela interlace her fingers with his, and though he didn't shake her off, he felt his pulse spike a little, and heard her giggle slightly in response. 

'Thank you for joining us this evening.' Daniela said gratefully as they climbed the stairs. 'It feels like a dream come true.' 

'I'm glad.' Y/N smiled at her, leading her along the corridor towards her room. 'And thank you for... well... thank you for the sandwiches.'

'You're most welcome.' Dani smiled at him, leaning into him slightly as the continued onward, 'It was nice to share something with you.' The side of Dani's head that lay against Y/N's shoulder was the one where her hair was cut short, and almost instinctively, Y/N squeezed her hand slightly in return, trying to ignore how soft her hair was against his cheek, as well as the gentle warmth of her hand in his. 

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