Chapter 33 - Escaping the Factory

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'Right, now that we're all caught up,' Heisenberg leant back in his chair, flicking away the cold end of his cigar and crossing his legs over as he smiled slyly at Y/N. 'I have a... proposition for you.' Y/N blinked in surprise. That was unexpected. Heisenberg continued to smile for a moment, then sniffed absentmindedly, taking off his dark glasses and turning them in his hands, revealing a pair of bright grey eyes that focused upon Y/N.

'I gotta be honest, kid.' He began, twirling the glasses between his fingers. 'I'm not the particularly... merciful... sort...' he chuckled to himself, and Y/N waited patiently for him to continue. 'but the rumours coming out of that castle have been keeping me well-entertained. And I gotta say, having actually met you... you've got fight, kid. I like that. So, I'm prepared to cut you a deal.'

Y/N's brow furrowed, and he felt suspicion rising inside of him. This had taken a turn he hadn't been anticipating.

'The deal is, you'll work for me.' Heisenberg smiled. 'Here, in the factory, or... well... I suppose you'll take your chances elsewhere...' Y/N felt shock spike through him, and he hesitated, his mind buzzing fantically as his thoughts becan to race around inside it, attempting to analyze every part of the deal. Meanwhile, Heisenberg continued. 

'I'll keep you safe. From Miranda, the Lycans... and I hear you've quite the talent for clockwork. I could use that! I'll teach you everything I know. Lady super-size has her three little bloodsuckers... Moreau and Donna both have their freaks... but I think I'd prefer a little more... intelligent company, y'know? You've seen what I'm working with currently.' Heisenberg jerked a thumb backwards at the corpse on the table behind him, the cadou in its chest still pulsating gently. 

Y/N was still reeling. On one hand, his inner-survivalist was yelling at him to take the deal. It was the perfect opportunity to survive, even to further himself in this strange, savage place... but then again, it would also prevent him from ever returning to Castle Dimitrescu. From seeing Bela again. Speaking of which, could she even survive on her own? Without the servants to tend the castle?

Y/N's thoughts continued to race, and Heisenberg saw his indecision. He opened his mouth to speak again, his brow furrowing in annoyance, but before he could utter another word, there came a loud, blaring claxon, ear-splitting with volume and distinctly unpleasant to hear. Y/N jumped at the sudden blaring alarm, but Heisenberg just rolled his eyes in exasperation and groaned loudly. 

'Ugh... hold that thought!' He shouted to Y/N over the horrific noise, getting to his feet and striding over to the workbench at the side of the room. Lifting an antique-looking phone from the wall, Heisenberg wrapped the cable around one hand and put the phone to one ear, the claxon dying out immediately as he did so.

'Yeah?' He asked the person on the other end of the line. There was a pause and Y/N saw Heisenberg's expression shift to one of concern as he listened intently. 'Mother Miranda.' Heisenberg spoke into the phone. Y/N felt a slight chill steal over him that had nothing to do with the cold, and surreptitiously, he began to scan the room for an exit. If Mother Miranda was nearby, things had suddenly become much more dangerous for him... he needed to get away...

There were two bulkhead doors leading out of the workshop, one at either end. Both were more than twenty feet away, possibly locked, and one of them had the twitching corpse in front of it. More than that, as Heisenberg's powers seemed to be magnetic in nature, given how he had summoned the hammer and the screwdriver to his hands, Y/N knew that he would not make it two steps from the table before something heavy was hurled at him. Sighing, Y/N decided to bide his time, and turned to wait patiently for Heisenberg, whose expression was rapidly darkening as he listened intently to the phone in his hand.

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