Chapter 27 - The Dance

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The sun was well-below the horizon when Y/N stumped back into the castle, beaming victoriously as he kicked the snow off his boots. The last of the repairs were finally finished! His cabin was once again inhabitable, but the true highlight of his day had by far been his time spent with the three girls. 

Their beautiful faces smiled down at him from his appeased thoughts, and Y/N sighed happily as he made his way back into the castle. The candles around the edges of the hall were lit, but the castle was quiet around him, and as he made his way into the hall, the grandfather clock in a distant corridor rang out the late hour in small, soft chimes. The girls would be asleep by now. 

However, as he went to make his way up the stairs, a slender figure came into view at the top of them, wrapped in a long black cloak over the black fabric of her dress. Bela's eyes sparkled at Y/N as he came up the stairs to greet her, stopping a few feet short and looking up at her, matching her smile with his own. Absently, he noticed that she was wearing dark red lipstick today, in place of her normal black colour.

'I have news.' Bela told him in hushed tones, still beaming down at Y/N from the top of the stairs. 'Mother has gone away again.' Y/N blinked in surprise.

'Really? So soon after her last trip?' Y/N asked her. 'Your mother seems to spend more time out of this castle than inside it.' Bela laughed quietly, her eyes still sparkling at Y/N as she grinned.

'Mother has gone to speak with my Uncle Heisenberg,' she told him. 'Mother Miranda's absence is beginning to worry her, I think. She has never been absent for this long.'  Bela descended the stairs quickly, taking Y/N's hand in hers when she reached him and smiling shyly.

'She won't be back for some time.' Bela told him in a soft voice, giving Y/N a coy look. 'So, if I may, I want to show you something.'  Still holding his hand, Bela led him back down the stairs, taking him across the hall and into the corridor, moving quickly and quietly through the castle. 

'Where are the others?' Y/N asked, as if only now realizing their absence. 'Did they go with your mother?' 

'No, they are above stairs.' Bela told him as they reached a tall, wooden doorway, turning to look at him with a sly smile. 'I thought that, since we now have some time alone, I might steal you from them?' Y/N smiled in amazement as Bela turned back to unlock the door, feeling a surge of love for the eldest daughter as she led him forwards, before his eyes fell on the room beyond, and wonder quickly overtook him. 

The room they had entered was one of the biggest he had seen inside the castle. Easily the same size as the main hall, but a soft, gentle blue in colour. The huge vaulted ceiling stretched high above them, and at the far end, a curved set of glass windows and a half-dome of glass roof in the ceiling let in a soft carpet of gentle blue moonbeams onto the smooth, open floor. Around the hall, dozens of candles flickered softly in their stands, bathing the stone walls in their dappled lights, and in the faint light of the moon and the glowing candles, Y/N realized that it was a ballroom. 

Beside him, Bela removed the cloak from her shoulders, placing it on a hook beside the door, and when she turned to face him, Y/N saw that she was wearing the same graceful dress that she had worn when they had dined together for the first time, where the Varcolac's claws had ripped it to pieces. 

Now, the dress was whole again, glittering softly in the candlelight and baring Bela's snowy shoulders and neck to the moonlight as she gently moved closer to Y/N, her gaze steady, but a slight pink flush colouring her cheeks. Watching her, the ballroom melted away, and Y/N felt his heart skip a beat as he stood stock-still, barely breathing as Bela moved closer to him. 

'What do you think?' She asked softly, turning gently in the soft light so that the moonlight glowed against her soft, milky skin. Y/N could barely take his eyes off her. It was like magic in the air around her as she drew him in, capturing his heart and soul utterly and completely in her allure, but eventually, he found words. 

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