Breaking the Code

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Synopsis: You are Gareth's older sister (13 months age difference). Eddie has always teased Gareth for having a hot older sister. After Eddie saves you at a party one night, you both start to develop feelings for each other but know you can't act on them because of your brother.

The Code

1. We have each other's back - always

2. The Band before Babes

3. All decisions regarding the band are made together

4. Girlfriends and exes are off limit

5. Female family members are off-limit - especially Gareth's very hot sister Y/N!

6. If we know one of us is about to do something stupid, i.e. cheat or illegal, we step in (minus Ed's drug dealing - obviously)




Come on, Gareth, answer to phone.


Please, Gareth, answer the phone.

Ring - beep

Seriously Gareth, what the fuck are you doing? I want to go home. I want to leave this party. I've had enough of drunk guys trying to chat me up, grabbing and grinding themselves against me when I just want to dance and have fun with my friends. This last guy, Alistair, has been bothering me non-stop and offering me a drink, that no matter how many times I say no, he keeps insisting. That's when I remembered - Hellfire was having a session after band practice today. I pick up the phone, trying again. It was nearly midnight; surely, the game had finished by now.


Please, please pick up


Shit, Alistair has found me again.

"Baby, who ya callin'" Alistair slurs. His breath stunk of alcohol as he stood close to me.


"Home". I say abruptly back

He starts trying to pull me away from the phone.

"You don't need ta go home, were havin' so much fun," Alistair says to my face.


"Emerson residence," a male voice says.

"Gareth, oh thank god you finally answered; I need you to come to get me, please" I'm so relieved that someone answered the phone that I didn't realise it wasn't Gareth I was talking to.

"Don't be a tease. We're just gettin' started. I got something big I wanna show ya" Alistair continues to pull at my arm, talking at me while I'm talking.

"Y/n, are you okay" it's not Gareth I'm talking to; it's Eddie, Gareth's bandmate and Hellfire DM. His voice is full of concern.

"Eddie, where's Gareth? I need him to come to get me, please," I plead before getting dragged away and dropping the phone.

Eddie Pov

"Where's your sister tonight, Gareth?" I ask him, knowing it stirs him up whenever I ask or talk about her. Y/N and Gareth are only thirteen months; Y/n is the older of the two, but Gareth acts like an older protective brother.

"At Tina's party," he says, annoyed, taking a swig from his fourth beer in two hours, "why do you want to know?"

"Just missing the eye candy that comes with your house", I smirk, watching him get flustered.

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