Dial Tone. (Part 2 of Leave a Message)

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Summary: You have been there since the beginning. Dragged into the Upside Down with Barb Holland, you survived – she didn't. Scars riddle your body, evidence of the battles you have thought alongside everyone.

Always there for them, but never there for you.

You thought you were friends, so what happened? Your calls were ignored, and invitations to hang out only seemed to come from the group's younger members – when they saw you. How did you become so easily forgotten? Invisible?

A run-in with Dustin motivates them to call the group during their weekly 'movie night'. All you know is that you've had enough. And it's time they took notice of you.

Warnings: Angst. The reader is described as female, having scars on her body and is short (5ft). Use of Y/n. Depression, swearing, abandonment, ghosting, mentions of torture. Blood and gore. Upside Down, Venca/Henry, and past character deaths were mentioned. Possessive Henry. Dialogue heavy.


The sun dipped below the horizon, casting long shadows across the quiet suburban street as the group rushed towards your apartment, their hearts pounding in their chests. Just moments ago, they had been huddled together in Steve's loungeroom for movie night when the phone rang, but what they heard on the answering machine chilled them to the bone.

Your crying, followed by the sound of low, guttural growls that were identified as the Demogorgon, changed into desperate and terrifying screams that echoed throughout the room. The message ended abruptly, leaving them in stunned silence. They had bolted out the door and headed straight for your apartment without wasting a moment.

During the fifteen-minute drive from Steve's place to your apartment, Lucas and Mike attempted to contact Hopper through their walkie-talkies. "HOPPER DO YOU COPY? THIS IS A CODE RED MEET US AT Y/n's APARTMENT IMMEDIATELY. WE REPEAT THIS IS A CODE RED!"

As they approached your home, the group's frantic pace slowed. The scene before them was wrong. Everything was in disarray, with overturned furniture and shattered glass strewn across the floor. Deep scratches, as if something had clawed at them, accompanied by blood splatter, spewed along the walls and door. A path of blood led from the door into your bedroom as though something or someone had been dragged into there.

Robin's breath hitched. "Oh my god," she said, turning towards the other older members, her eyes wide with fear.

Nancy stepped forward cautiously, her heart pounding. "Y/n?" she called out, hoping you'd appear from somewhere, laughing and telling them it was all some elaborate prank.

But the room remained silent.

A sound from behind caught their attention as they stood there, frozen in shock. Steve raised his nailed bat, ready. Sheriff Hopper emerged from the shadows, his stern face illuminated by the light in the entryway.

Hopper glanced at them, his expression grim. "You kids shouldn't be here," he said, pointing to the younger members. His voice was firm but not unkind. He looked around the main room, rubbing the back of his neck. "There are definitely signs of a struggle and blood. This does not look good. "

El stepped forward, trying to keep her voice steady. "Dad, what's going on? Where's Y/n? Is she okay? Did the Demogorgon get her? We heard them."

"She called the house. She was really upset, Hops," a frantic Dustin says, stepping in front of the group.

Eddie's face went pale. "Where is Y/n?" he asked, his voice barely a whisper.

Hopper shook his head. "El, I need you to trust me on this and head back to Harringtons." Looking directly at Steve to take El and the kids back.

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