Losing Her

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Synopsis: Eddie breaks your heart when you catch him cheating with Chrissy. The only way you feel you can deal with it is to pretend he no longer exists. If he tries to speak to you, act like you don't hear him and keep doing what you focus on.

My boyfriend of almost a year, Eddie, was acting weird. He wasn't answering calls, always seemed to be busy, and on the off chance we did see each other, he was distant. My heart was breaking, and I couldn't work out why. Two weeks earlier, he told me I was the love of his life and gave me a promise ring - a promise we would always be truthful to each other and be together forever. We spent the whole night having sex and making love multiple times.

Then the very next day, it was like I was a ghost to him. I didn't exist.

I decided to take a walk to our bench. I needed to think. Did I do something wrong? Surely Eddie would have told me by now if I had upset him or if something else was stressing him out. I heard them laughing before I saw them. She was straddling his lap as he nuzzled into her neck, his hands up her skirt. She looked over and noticed I was standing there. She tapped him on the shoulder to stop. He was confused about why she suddenly wanted to stop until he followed her eye line to me.

"Y/n, what are you doing at our spot?" Chrissy asked me harshly, quickly getting off Eddie's lap and readjusting her skirt.

My heart froze. Their spot. Eddie looked away. Guilt was clear on his face. I can't breathe. I let out a shaky breath, with hot tears forming in my eyes as I stared directly at Eddie.

My lip quivered. "Your spot?"

Eddie finally looked at me. "Y/n". His voice was quiet and sad, like he was the one whose heart was being ripped into two. He took a step towards me. I took two backward. "Y/n, please", he begged.

"You didn't tell her", Chrissy hissed, crossing her arms across her chest.

I released another shaky breath. "How long?"

"Y/n", Eddie's voice breaks, pleading as he takes another step forward.

"HOW LONG?" I screamed.

"A month". Chrissy replied, obviously not caring about the damage she was causing. I see Eddie drop his head, taking a hissing breath between his teeth.

"A month?" I crossed my arms around my stomach as my insides knotted together. "A month, Eddie? You've been fucking Chrissy Cunningham for a month?"

"I'm sorry" was all he could get out as tears formed in his eyes.

"You're sorry" I ran towards him, pushing his chest, causing him to stumble back. "You're fucking sorry."

"I'm sorry, Y/n; I didn't mean to hurt you like this," he says as I continue to push him.

"You're not sorry, Eddie, because if you were, then you wouldn't have let it go on like this. You're just sorry you got caught -"

I walk back, trying to contain myself until I felt his hand on my shoulder. "Don't fucking touch me. You don't get any right ever to touch me again. Everything over the last year has been nothing but lies, especially these -"

I ripped the handmade guitar pick necklace with our initials Eddie made me for my birthday off my neck and pull the promise ring he gave me only two weeks prior off my finger. Eddie watches as I throw them at him, catching them in his hands.

"Y/n, please, just let me explain, please, you owe me that", Eddie cries.

I owe him. He's the one that cheated, lied, broken promises, and broken me, and he has the audacity to say I owe him. I have to hold my internal scream in. I can't let him see how much they have just broken me.

"I don't owe you anything, Eddie. As far as I'm concerned, you're dead to me." I look over at Chrissy, whose sitting quietly. Picking at her nails. "Enjoy your whore, Edward; she seems like she really cares for you."

As I ran back through the woods towards the school, I heard Eddie scream, "FUCK". Quickening my pace, I return to the oval, where I finally let out my internal scream. Opening the floodgates of my tears. Falling to the ground and hugging my legs into my chest.

"Y/N!" I feel a hand on my shoulder. "Where's Eddie? Did something happen?".

I look to see the rest of Hellfire kneeling next to me. Gareth's hand resting on my shoulder.

"Did you know?" I ask between shaking breaths.

"Know what?" replies Gareth with a concerned look on his face.

"Did you know Eddie has been fucking Chrissy for nearly a month?

The look on Gareth's face told me everything. He was shocked. He didn't know, and if he didn't know, the rest of Hellfire didn't know. His look of surprise quickly turned into one of disgust and anger.

"Where's Eddie?" he asked angrily, standing up and looking between Jeff and Lance.

"He's with Chrissy at their spot," I replied quietly, sniffling and wiping my nose on my sleeve. I didn't really care how I looked to anyone at this time.

"Mike, Dustin, help Y/n to her friends. They'll look after her." Gareth said, reaching his hand down to me to help me stand. He guides me to Mike and Dustin. Before he and the other older three members of Hellfire walk into the woods to Eddie. I didn't ask what they were planning to do. I didn't care. I just wanted to get out of here. Mike ran ahead of Dustin and me, searching for Nancy, Robin, Jonathan and Steve. Dustin led me to the seat in the carpark while we waited to see who Mike had found. He found all of them, who wrapped themselves around me in a tight embrace. Steve and Robin offered to take me to his place to stay, while Nancy and Jonathan said they would grab my school stuff and clothes from my trailer.

Steve set me up in the guest room and told me I could stay as long as I needed. I couldn't talk. My throat was already sore and croaked from screaming and crying, and another burst was about the erupt from me. Robin and Nancy held me all night through my sudden outbursts of crying and self-blaming of what I could have done for Eddie wanting someone else like that. For telling me, he loved me and wanted to be with me forever, giving me a promise ring, only to break me like this.

I avoided going to school for the rest of the week. I had heard that Eddie had called everyone trying to find me, asking them to let him explain himself. My friends had my back. Telling Eddie not to come anywhere near me. I will let him know if and when I am ready to hear him out.

However, I know Eddie. He isn't going to let that be. Eddie will still seek me, write letters, and knock on my bedroom window late at night. But I won't give him that chance. Not now, not ever.

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