Truth Hurts (A Short Story)

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"Kimberly, please just give me another chance?" Tom begged as he stood on his sister's front door step.

"I gave you enough chances, how do I know you're not going to do it again?" Kimberly replied. Her and Tom had been having the same argument for several years now. His sister never changed her mind though, she always told her brother that she was never going to forgive him and she was never going to give Tom the opportunity to get to know Scarlett, Abigail or Connor because she couldn't find it in her to trust him again.

"Do you really think I'm going to do the same thing again?" he asked, like Kimberly was an idiot for not trusting him.

"But how do I know you're not going to?"

"Because I know how much of an idiot I was for even trying to do it in the first place. I can see that you and Nathan are happy; you make the perfect family and I regret ever trying to take Scarlett and Abigail away from you..." Tom sighed.

He was just about ready to admit defeat.

The same thing which always happened when he tried to argue with Kimberly.

People never understood why Tom even bothered trying to reconcile with his sister, they could see that it was always useless and only caused more problems. Not only for them, but also for Jay. Kimberly had specifically said that Tom was never going to see Scarlett and Jay was never allowed to tell her the reason why.

She was treating her daughter like a baby and not like the 12 year old she actually was. It did annoy Scarlett but she accepted her mother's decision.

Abigail, on the other hand, was a child that liked to ask questions and hated it when they were left unanswered. She was a very inquisitive little girl and wanted to know everything that was going on around her.

Connor was too young to really understand what was going on. But he did ask the odd question about Tom and why he wasn't allowed to see him. But he just accepted it when Nathan and Kimberly told him that he would find out when he was older. That's the good thing about having younger children. They ask less questions and accept the simple answers.

"But I still don't understand why you even tried to do it. I told you that I was happy with Nathan and we were sorting our problems out, but you just couldn't accept that. You had to try and ruin everything for me and Nath because you assumed that you knew what was best for me..." Kimberly replied, trying to make Tom see it from her perspective. It was pretty difficult when he was apologising three or four times a day and had been doing that for the past ten years.

"Mummy, what are you doing?" Connor asked Kimberly as he came running towards her with a cheesy smile on his face. She picked him up and hugged him with a smile on her face; she loved her son and always showed him that she did.

"Just talking to someone...."

"Who is he?"

"I'm just a friend. My name is-" but Tom was unable to finish the sentence since Kimberly gave him a look which made him shut up.

"You're name is?" Connor asked.

"It doesn't matter, I'm sure you'll find out soon!" Tom replied with a slight smile on his face as he turned to walk away.

"Connor, this is Tom. He's my brother and your uncle..." Kimberly muttered much to the surprise of Tom. He focused his attention back on Kimberly and Connor, unsure if he was meant to smile and be grateful or be cautious and carry on walking away.

It taken ten years for Kimberly to even say that Tom was her brother. She refused to admit that she was related to him and totally cut him out of her life.

There was no words to desribe how he felt at that point.

"So this is Connor. You look a lot like your daddy..." Tom smiled.

"Mummy always says that. I think she's lying though!" Connor laughed as he showed that he want to get down from Kimberly's arms.

"It's not bad looking like your daddy. When you grow up, you'll be breaking girls' hearts...just like he did!" Tom chuckled.

"You can have half hour with him and then I want you gone. I don't want Abigail coming home from school and you still being here!" Kimberly sighed, walking into the house as she did so. Leaving Tom and Connor sat on the front door step talking to each other.

"So, where has mummy been hiding you then?" was the first thing that Tom asked Connor, pulling him onto his lap at the same time. Connor just grinned up at him, it was grin just like the one Nathan gave when he was happt with something.

Tom had never met Connor and never seen a picture of him. He was totally unaware of what he looked like and he had no idea how he had grown over time. This was the first time that he had ever laid eyes upon his nephew and he was shocked when he discovered that Connor was like a clone of Nathan.

But he was also happy.

This was the first time that Kimberly had let Tom anywhere near one of her children and he was going to make sure that he didn't throw it away. He was going to make the most of this moment and make sure he was allowed in Scarlett and Abigail's lives as well.

That was the one thing that he wanted.

And he was going to make sure that he got it.


Hello there people,

A few people said I should write a short story explaining what happens with Tom and Kimberly, so I thought I would give it a shot and see what you think.

Here's the first part, hope you like it and it isn't too boring for you. There isn't going to be many parts; maybe about 6 or 7 parts just to show what happens. Let me know if you like it, would be much appreciated.

And I will update one of my other stories tomorrow, possibly the Tom/Jay story because it seems that people like that aha.

Much love,


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