Part 2 - You Need To Leave..

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Tom and Connor had been sat talking for twenty-five minutes now and he found out some things that he never even knew about his nephew.

Connor had told him that his favourite colour was blue; he even made Nathan paint his room blue or he would refuse to sleep in there. He had quite a temper on him when he didn't get his own way. Kimberly always said that he got that from Tom, only she thought her son's tantrums were worse than them of her brother.

He also told Tom that he enjoyed watching football. His favourite team was Liverpool, although no one is sure where he got that love from. Especially not Nathan since he had tried bringing him up to be a United boy.

It failed though.

"So, what is your favourite song by us then?" Tom smiled as Connor sat himself down on his lap for around the third time. He couldn't make his mind up where he wanted to sit and so kept moving around. It made Tom laugh how indecisive he was.

He was just like Kimberly in that way. She could never make her mind up either and would always keep changing what she wanted. It often annoyed people, but that didn't stop her. She just got on with it and carried on annoying people.

"All Time Low..." Connor replied happily.

"Why that one?"

"Because mummy said when she listens to it, it always makes her proud of daddy and you!"

"Mummy said that did she?" Tom asked Connor as he sat there with a slight smile on his face; he actually felt some kind of happiness that he hadn't felt in a while towards his sister.

He had no idea that Kimberly actually said things like that about him still. He just assumed that she had stopped talking about him all together and refused to acknowledge he even existed.

But there was a part of her which still cared about Tom and was still proud of everything that he achieved; even after everything he had put her through.

"Yeah. And she said it was the song her and daddy danced to at their wedding, is that true?" Connor asked.

"Honestly, I don't know..." Tom sighed in reply as he looked at the ground, sadness suddenly taking over him again and replacing the happiness. He wished that he knew the answer to that and he wished that he had been there to witness everything that happened that day.

Afterall, Nathan did promise him that he would be the one to walk his sister down the isle. Yet he never even received an invite, not that Kimberly would have wanted him there in the first place. But he still would have liked to be invited since it was his sister and bestfriend getting married.

But because he was an idiot and acted like a twat, he lost that and every other opportunity alone with it. But now he will never know that happiness that Nathan and Kimberly felt on that day. And he will probably never get the chance to witness anything like that again.

"Why not uncle Tom?"

"Because I wasn't invited. Mummy and daddy didn't want me there..."

"Why not?"

"Long story. You'll find out when you're older..." Tom muttered in reply.

"That's what mummy and daddy always say, but they never tell me anything..."

"I'm sure they will one day!" Tom chuckled.

"Do you love mummy?" Connor asked suddenly, like it was the usual question for people his age to ask.

"What do you mean?" Tom replied as he looked into Connor's eyes. They were more green than normal and that was because the sun was reflecting off them; making them look brighter than normal.

"You and mu-"

"Tom, you need to leave now..." Kimberly interrupted them as she opened the front door and appeared behind the pair of them.

Her hair was tied up in a ponytail now and she'd taken all her make-up off. She was still wearing the same skinny jeans and baggy jumper that she had on before, but was now in her slippers rather than in her uggs which she was in before.

"Mummy, please can uncle Tom stay for dinner?" Connor asked.

"Maybe another night, but not tonight..." Kimberly replied without even looking at her son. She was looking at Tom, studying his facial expression and taking in the hurt which was on his face.

But she wasn't going to change her mind this time.

She had made her decision and she was sticking to it.

"Why mummy? That's not fair!" Connor said as he started getting annoyed.

"LIfe's not fair. Now go inside!" she shouted at him.

"No. I want uncle Tom to come for dinner!" he demanded.

"No Connor, I said not tonight. Now get inside and go to your room!"

"I hate you!" he screamed as he ran past Kimberly, into the house. He didn't hesitate in running up the stairs, making sure everyone knew he was there and was not happy about not getting his own way. He even shouted a few things back at his mother before he slammed his bedroom door shut.

For his age, he really did get angry pretty easily and liked to make a scene.

Tom stood up from the doorstep and chuckled to himself. The realisation that his nephew was just as short tempered as he was a rather funny one in his mind since he wasn't expecting it.

"Gets that from you he does..." Kimberly joked, a smile appearing on her face at the same time.

"Yeah. His tantrums are better than mine ever were though!" Tom chuckled in reply.

"He's a three year though, what's your excuse?"

"I just had nothing better to do. It's been nice spending time with him; you and Nath have done well with him..." Tom smiled at his sister.

"Thanks. Do you want to take him out at the weekend, maybe get to know him a little better?" Kimberly asked nervously as she fiddled with her fingers. Not really knowing what he was going to say to her.

But he wasn't going to turn this down.

"I'd love to take him out. But what are you going to do about Abi?"

"I'll sort that out closer to the time. Is Saturday at around half eleven good with you?"

"That's great with me. See you then..." Tom smiled as he walked away from the house.

"And I'm sorry!" Kimberly shouted after him causing him to turn around, with a look of shock on his face. His sister never apologised to anyone, this was the first time that those words had left her mouth in a long time. Especially to her brother.

After spending ten years being stubborn. She was finally apologising and giving him the chance that he wanted; even if it was with only one of her children.

It was a step closer than he was before.

"Sorry for what?"

"Being a stubborn bitch who couldn't let go of the past..." she sighed.

"Well, I did deserve it. But let us just forget about it now and move on, yeah?"

"Okay then. I love you Tom..."

"And I love you too Kim!" he replied and, with that, he continued walking down the path. Leaving Kimberly to deal with Connor while Tom prepared for his day with his nephew.

It was going to be a day for both Tom and Connor to remember.

Tom was going to make sure of that one.


Hey there guys,

I hope you like this part and it wasn't too boring for you. Let me know what you think and if there is anything that I could do to improve it. Would be much appreciated aha.

Do you mind me doing from a third person's point of view or would you prefer it if I did it from single points of view? I'm just wondering.

Thanks for reading. Love you all.


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