Part 3 - I Can't Wait For The Weekend To Begin..

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After Tom had gone, I decided that I needed to talk to Connor.

I know that I had really upset him by saying Tom couldn't come round for dinner; but I couldn't risk it. I need to tell Abigail the truth first and that isn't going to be easy. Since I keep telling her that I don't want to talk about and now, her my brother is, taking his nephew out at the weeked.

While his neice has no idea what's going on.

That's not normal. And I know I shouldn't lie to my daughter, but I do have my reasons.

And, me and Nathan think she's too young to understand everything that's happened. But she doesn't think that she is. She just wants to know everything and has to have an answer to everything that she asks.

She gets annoyed easily; although not as easily as Connor does. He loses his temper far too easily and likes to make sure everyone knows about.

Just like every three year old does.

"Connor, open your door?" I said as I tried to push his bedroom door open. He had managed to block himself in his room by putting as many toys as he could in front of the door; he really does know how to make people know he's annoyed.

"No!" he shouted back at me.

"Connor, let me in or I'll make daddy come home..." I shouted at him.

"I don't care. Daddy never tells me off!"

"Yeah, we'll see about that one..." I muttered as I walked back down the stairs to finish cooking dinner.

Nathan had already agreed to pick Abigail up from school. Jay was coming round and he was going to bring Scarlett with him; it was going to be like a family dinner. Without Tom and Lewis. But other than that, it was going to be the first time in a while that we'd spent any time together in this way since we'd all been really busy with everything.

Hopefully it wwas going to be a good night and there wasn't going to be any questions asked. I just wasn't in the mood to do much talking today; I especially wasn't in the mood to talk about Tom. The topic which usually came up at dinner time.

And I just had to hope that Connor wouldn't say anything about seeing him. Because, if he did, then I was going to have to expalin things a lot quicker than I hoped I would have to.


"Babe, we're home!" Nathan shouted through the house as I heard the front door close behind him.

"Guess what mummy?" Abigail said excitedly as she appeared in the living room and threw herself onto the sofa next to me; I was catching up with Jeremy Kyle and I knew that Tom would be watching it at about this time as well since he missed it earlier.

"I don't want to ruin your fun, what?" I chuckled.

"Me and daddy saw Uncle Tom..."

"Oh, did you now? And where did you see Uncle Tom?" I asked in a bland tone, while focusing all my attention on Nathan. He knew that I wasn't happy about it and he knew that I was going to be having words with him later; but not in front of Abigail.

Not when she was this happy with seeing Tom. Even if it's the last thing that I wanted.

"He was just walking past us as we walked out of school. He said that he was going to visit Siva and Nareesha!" she replied happily.

"Yeah, Seev was picking Shannon and Luke up from school. Tom said he was going to surprise them since he hadn't seen them in while..." Nathan added, trying to make it sound better than it actually was.

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