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Ten Years Later:

Nathan's POV -

I couldn't believe that today, my little girl was getting married. She had met the perfect guy; he made her feel the same why that I made Kimberly feel.

That was good enough for me and I accepted that they were getting married.

It seems like yesterday that I was sat in the hospital, holding Abigail in my arms. And now here she was, 21 years old, marrying the man that she loved and preparing to spend the rest of her life with him. They even had a little girl of their own.

She was called Amber. Making me a grandad, which was just a bit strange and made me feel even older than I actually am.

Makes me glad that Connor has a while to go yet before he starts thinking about having his own family; I can still feel slightly younger.

Being a 14 year old that only cares about friends, football and spending time with his family was sometimes more fun than being a 21 year old who had so much more to care about and so much more to worry about.

"You're making a complete mess of that dad, when was the last time you did this?" Connor chuckled at me as he walked into the room to see me struggling with my tie. I was finding it difficult to sort myself out; the last time I actually bothered to wear a tie was when I married Kimberly.

That was 14 years ago now.

I was a lazy sod sometimes.

"Erm, when me and your mum got married..." I replied, allowing Connor to do it for me.

"Really dad? You didn't even bother wearing one to Kelsey and Tom's wedding or Siva and Nareesha's?"

"No, he didn't. You're dad is one of the laziest people you'll ever meet, don't take after him, will you?" Kimberly laughed, walking into the room.

"I'll try not to, but I'm not making any promises I won't be able to keep!" Connor laughed to himself, pulling the knot in tie right up to my neck. Attempting to make me look half decent for my daughter's wedding, which was more difficult that you thought it might be.

"Zip me up please?" Kimberly asked, walking over to me and moving her hair out of the way at the same time. Standing in front of me with a smile on her face, I had to resist the urge to kiss her and just take the dress off her body there and then.

It's the fact that Connor was stood there that stopped me more than anything, if he wasn't there then I probably would hve just done everything that I was thinking.

But I can wait until later. When no one is watching or when everyone else is far too drunk to really care what you're doing.

"Nice dress. Going to be easy to get off later on..." I whispered in her ear once I zipped the dress up, followed by a kiss on the cheek.

"Yeah. You keep thinking that something is going to happen, you'll be lucky!" she chuckled, slapping my chest as she did so.

"I'm always lucky, I'll get what I want..." I muttered.

"You keep thinking that grandad!" she smirked, walking out of the door at the same time.

I couldn't help but stare at the same time. She still looked as attractive as when I first met her and I'm sure that wasn't going to change any time soon.

No matter how old she got and no matter how much she changed.

I was always going to love her and she was always going to be mine.

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