Part 4 - Why Did You Pick Mummy?

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I walked up the stairs to deal with Connor.

And he was right, I never told him off. But that's only because I never really understood what he did wrong; so there was no point in telling him off. That would just confuse him and make him wonder what the hell is going on.

I just had a quiet word with him and hoped it would work.

Which it usually did.

"Connor, can I come in please?" I asked, gently knocking on the door at the same time.

"NO!" he shouted back in response.

"Connor, if you don't let me in then I'm going to force my way in and I don't care if your toys get broken..."

"Go away!" he snapped again.

"What have I done to you? It was mummy who told you off, not me..." I replied, trying the nice approach just to see if that would work. He couldn't keep himself shut in his bedroom for the rest of the day.

Actually, he probably could. He's done it before and that was only because he was told he wasn't staying at Siva's. And that happened because he thought it would be a good idea to get into a fight with Luke, so Siva and Nareesha said they didn't want him staying with them.

He gets angry over the simpliest of things.

But I guess that's just something which runs in the family. Especially with the boys, so god help me when he's older.

That's going to be a lot of fun.

"But mummy said you're going to tell me off!" he replied, pretty much in tears.

"Well, why don't you let me in and we can talk..."

"But I don't want you to tell me off..."

"Look, I just want to talk to you. Then you can go and play with Abi and Scar while me, mummy and Jay finish dinner!"

"Promise you won't shout?" he said, as I heard him pushing things away from the door.

"I promise!"

"Nathan, Abi keeps telling me to go away and leave her alone! She seems upset about something..." I heard Scarlett say as she appeared behind me.


Both kids are in a bad mood.

I should have just stayed out. Then I wouldn't be dealing with this.

Seems like I always have to deal with the kids when they're in a bad mood while Kim gets to enjoy them when they're in a good mood. I don't even see how that's fair. We should share it out between us. They are, afterall, both of ours and that means a shared responsibility.

"I'll be there in a minute. I'm just talking to Connor..." I sighed.

"But Nathan-"

"Scarlett, please. I'm trying to sort Connor out at the moment and then I'll talk to Abi, okay?" I replied, a tone of annoyance showing more than I intended it to. But I wasn't in the mood for an argument, especially with someone that wasn't even my daughter.

There was just no need for it.

"Fine..." she huffed as she walked back off towards Abigail's bedroom, probably to see if Abi had changed her mind and was going to let her in. Which was unlikely.

When Abi was in a mood, there was no getting through to her. She got that from me.

Probably wasn't a good thing.

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