First Sight prt 5

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You heard a distant voice that reverberated throughout your body. It was deep, calming, and familiar. It was muffled and so very faint.


You stirred slightly, making the voice seem louder.

"Y/n," it came a again, closer this time and more clear. You leaned your head closer to the calming voice. Feeling gentle finger run over your head and through your fur. The feeling sending your wolf reeling.

"are you alright? You need to wake up," it said more demanding.

You lifted your head and blinked open your eyes, only to close them quickly. It was Thorin but you were seeing double of him.

You shook your large head. Please tell me you have a twin brother and that I'm not seeing two of you right now.

Thorin huffed, "I have a sister who is far from here. Impaired vision is not a good sign, y/n. Can you stand?"

You groaned lowly as you went to stand. You thought your were doing pretty good until you put weight on your back right leg. It felt like scalding hot water had been thrown on your leg. You whimpered in pain and sat immediately, not daring to move the leg an inch for the hurt was too great.

You looked to Thorin, who was gripping his own leg and biting back a curse. He had felt it too. You really hated being the cause of his pain now.

My body is trying to shift back. It does so when I'm badly injured. The shift could worsen my leg, but I can't hold it off for much longer. Your voice was so pained and Thorin felt his heart ache for you.

Without a word he stood and shed his coat. He carefully laid it over you, "then turn back. We will find some place to rest. None of us have gotten any sleep for a day."

I cannot have someone carry me around until I'm healed. Luckily though, I heal very quickly. It shouldn't take more than two days.

Feeling a hand on your furry shoulder you looked at Thorin, "don't think of it. Shift back."

His vividly blue eyes bore into your own. You couldn't resist his demands even if you wanted to. You allowed your body to change back. You felt your leg pop and a surge of pain erupted again. You screamed and held your leg in agony, hit tears finding their way down your cheek.

The company watched helplessly at the scene before them.

You allowed yourself to let out a few pained sobs before wiping your tears and trying not to pity yourself. Wrapping the coat around you you looked at the dwarf in front of you who is clearly blinking back tears of his own.

"I'm sorry," you whispered. Hoping he understood that you hated hurting him.

He did not respond only shook his head.

You looked away from him and saw the company with all new swords and trinkets. They no doubt had found the troll hoard. But you did not see the one who had saved you all.

"Where's Gandalf?"

Thorin stood and wiped off his pants from where he'd been kneeling, "Speaking with Radagast."

Radagast? It had been a while since you'd heard that name and seen the face that belonged to it. Radagast became a dear friend once you'd escaped from Azog's-skin-changer enslavement and come across his home in the forest. He had a kind disposition to animals so you think that's why you liked him so much.

Thorin captured you from your thoughts, "come, let's go over by the others."

You tightened his coat around you and let the dwarf pick you up. To Thorin you weighed practically nothing. He didn't mind this one but. And that's not to mention the tingles from your touch that he was beginning to crave. The coat around you was nice touch. You couldn't get enough of the smoky, yet earthy smell of Thorin. It was intoxicating. So much so, that you felt your animal side quiet and go nearly dormant. It was less noticeable perhaps more like a shadow than a presence. It was a welcome feeling that was for sure.

Thorin took you near the rest of the company and sat you down on a rock. The company made over you and asked you questions about your clearly swollen leg. Thorin had retreated to the back, eying you. You weren't sure what he was thinking then or what that look meant. But you could feel a twinge of pride in your heart as the dwarves fussed over you. You blinked away from his gaze and blushed a little.

If you had to guess, your leg dislocated at the knee during the transformation, and the fall had caused the bone to fracture. As much as it hurt, you waved the dwarves off telling them you would heal up in a matter of days. If not a day the healing was so fast.

Just then a demonic howl sounded from the distance. Everyone was immediately alert.

"Was that a wolf?" Bilbo's fingers tapped his sword hilt nervously, "a-are there wolves out there?"

"Wolf? No, that is no wolf,"bofur replied grimly.

A growl from behind you caused you to gasp. A warg. How had you not know they so close? You blamed the overpowering stench of troll to be the reason you couldn't sense the threat that was so close. A dark brown, mangy warg stood at the top of the forest slope, drooling in a snarl. He bounded down the hill. Unable to move out of the way, you froze on the spot. Thankfully, Thorin had come to your aid, and jammed his sword right through the beast's skull.

You looked at him with a sigh of relief. Thorin on the other hand looked angry.

"Warg scouts! Which means an orc pack is not far behind!" He exclaimed swiping the blood from his new sword on the grass.

"Orc pack?!" Bilbos eyes were wide as saucers. If the situation was so serious you might've laughed.

Without warning, another warg appeared and leapt toward them, Kili and Dwalin easily took it out.

"We need to get out of here. We're sitting ducks like this." You spoke.

Gandalf had reappeared with Radagast, The latter was pushing to distract the pack while we made a mad dash to safety—where ever that was.

"These are Gundabad orcs, they will out run you." Gandalf shook his head.

"These are Rosgobel rabbits! I'd like to see them try." That was pretty much all the the dwarves needed to hear. Just as you were about to protest being picked up, you were hoisted into Thorin's arms. You tried telling him that you could try turning into an bird of prey like a falcon or an eagle, but he wouldn't risk the transformation with your leg how it was.

Thorin carried you across a wide plain with yellow grass and hardly a tree in sight. There were large boulders everywhere though and the company took to hiding behind them. The company managed to hold their own well until they were cornered from all sides and the wizard was no where to be seen.

"This way you fools!" Gandalf's voice called out. He had found a hidden spot underneath the rocks. Thorin carefully set you on the slope down the rocks where Fili helped you hobble to stand in one leg. Thorin was the last to join you all and just in time too. There was a commotion up above. You could hear the thunder of horse hooves and dying screams of orcs—a good sign in your book. The dead body of an orc falling inside the hidden passage revealed just who had killed your hunters.



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