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A few years went by and Wingdings turned twelve. His soul studies were doing well. He determined that their was a substance that human souls had that monster souls did not. He called it DT-17 seeing as it was the 17th chemical he found in the soul, though it seemed that it was the most abundant. That's what he collected from his willing test subjects at least. The locals of the town had more or less learned his sign language as well. Kazar was happy with this. Happy that Wingdings was interacting more with the town. He was finally learning one of the most important steps to living on his own. Establishing connections with townspeople to get what was necessary. Companionship was still necessary after all. Though the Tiger still worried about the amount of friends Wingdings actually had. That scientist was the closest thing to a friend Wingdings had and neither of them called it as such. They were 'merely work companions'. Wingdings wasn't looking for a friend either, which Kazar worried about. Wingdings needed someone to talk to other than the scientist and himself.


Wingdings turned thirteen when he heard the news. "Leaving?" Wingdings asked incredulously. Dr. Rosher looked at Wingdings apologetically as he packed up his research. "I have to move on, Dr. Gaster. I have more areas to study."
"Could you not stay here longer, Dr. Rosher?" Wingdings tried to keep the begging tone out of his voice. "I was already here longer than I intended. I was only supposed to be here a year." Dr. Rosher admitted. "This village now has a perfectly capable scientist. You'll do great things, Wingdings. I know you will." Dr. Rosher held out his hand to the young Skeleton. Wingdings hesitated, before taking the humans hand to shake. "I hope we meet again someday, doctor." Wingdings whispered in disappointment. He understood Rosher had to sample more animals in different areas, but he didn't want his mentor figure to leave. "We will, someday." Dr. Rosher promised, knowing full well that they both were attached to each other. Wingdings had been a great student, and he wanted to teach him more. Wingdings was better off figuring out the rest on his own. He was the first in his study and Dr. Rosher couldn't teach him any more. With that, the human left the Skeleton.


Wingdings focused on his studies after that. Spoke to Kazar about his studies, spoke to the humans and monsters within this study. That was it, really. He didn't speak to anyone unless he had to. He turned sixteen and spent his birthday learning more about the DT-17 in humans. "Wingdings." The young scientist hummed as he gave Kazar his attention. "Could you go to the grocery store to get some ingredients for tonight?" Wingdings frowned. "There is no need for a big celebration. It was merely another year passed." He commented. "It is your birthday, Wingdings, of course we are going to celebrate. Would you please go to the store?" Wingdings gave a heavy sigh. "Very well.. I will amuse you." He lifted from his seat and left the lab with his parental figure trailing behind him. "Wingdings." He tapped his child figures shoulder, regaining Wingdings attention. "Meet you at home, hm? And do try to make a friend while you're out. As much as I enjoy your research, it cannot be healthy to not have a break from it." Kazar explained. Wingdings grumbled. "Fiiiinnneee. I shall meet someone new. I highly doubt I will 'make friends' but I will try." Kazar gave a smile. "That is all I ask."


To the store Wingdings went with a list of things to get. He was slightly irritated, but he would do anything for Kazar. If the Tiger wanted to celebrate his birthday, they'd celebrate it, whether Wingdings actually wanted to or not. He didn't recognize the monster at the counter. He was a Fire Elemental, a rare species like himself. Wingdings pondered over a moment about the Elemental before continuing on with why he was there in the first place. "Stars, where in the stars is the rosemary now.." A hand appeared in Wingdings vision, holding what he was looking for. Wingdings looked at the Fire Elemental, who seemed to be saying something. Wingdings had to cut him off. "Thank you sir, but I'm afraid I can't hear you. If you would like to communicate with me, learn this please." Wingdings pulled out his alphabet sheet and handed it over. "..." The monster glanced over the sheet and signed very slowly. "I apologize, I was simply trying to help." Wingdings hesitated. He'd said he would try. "It's fine. I'm Wingdings Gaster. Would you mind continuing to assist me?" The Elemental perked and nodded, slowly introducing himself. "I am Grillby, I'd be happy to help you."

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