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Chapter 2

“Shania are you ready?!” I scream up the stairs, I was ready ages ago but that girl was taking her time. “COME ON, IT’S QUATER TO FIVE ALL READY!!!” I add screaming at her, I would leave her but I don’t know where to get off in town.

“All right, I’m finished.” She says coming down the stairs.

“Seriously it took you forty minutes to put on a jumper and jeans!” I say to her.

“I had to straighten the bush I call hair too sorry.” She says dragging out the sorry. I wanted to slap her so badly!

“Let’s go now!” I say to her and she does her passcode to put the alarm on her house and we leave with everything we need. “Wait before we go any further let’s do a check list.”



“Hmm check, phones.”

“Hmm yep check. I have yours don’t worry, extra spray.”

“Yeah check, mascara!”

“Check! That’s it, oh wait money.”

“Oh crap, have to go back!!!” Shania says and runs back; I don’t understand why she always forgets about money. She needs to hurry the frick up because I want to see Justin Bieber.

~Half an hour later~

Shania POV

“Were in town finally.” I exclaim, so far Ella has been freaking out because it’s half five and she thinks were going to be late! “Ella cheer up!”

“I will when I know I’m there,” she tells me, I tell her to get up so we can get off the bus. We walk off it and Ella phones her mom. “She says she will meet us by Gap with the car.” She tells me miserably, I wanted her to be happy!

“Ella if I buy you some ice cream will you cheer up,” I ask her, she turns to me and I can tell she is pretending to be still upset.

“IF you buy me a chocolate milkshake from Mc Donalds then maybe.” She says.

“Okay deal; let’s go before your mom comes.” I say and drag her by the arm to the nearest Mc Donalds, we pass Greggs and go into the Mc Donalds, it wasn’t very packed just a few people sitting down and two guys at the counter, they looked quite young. I went up to the counter with Ella and stood behind the guys, the shorter one was talking very quietly. Maybe he had some vocal problem, I was going to take the mick out of him to Ella but she was frozen behind me, I screwed up my face to her.

“Ella what’s wrong with you now?” I say to her, she tries to take my hand and say something but she was shaking and no sound would come out of her mouth, she pointed at the two guys and I turned around to face the two guys. They turn around too and they look familiar now! OH MY GOD!!! I tried to hold back the scream; it was JUSTIN BIEBER!!!!!!!

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