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I'm speechless as I stare at the box in his hand. I can't even. 

"So will I have your heart?" Justin says looking at me with hopefull eyes. Those chocolate orbs, I could stare at them all day. Of course the dork has my heart. Oh my god. I feel a tear spring out of my eyes as I nod my head quickly. Justin laughs and hugs me so tight, I clench onto him like this is the last time ever. This is just the beginning though. Justin lets me go and opens the box, to expose a dimaond engagement ring. I choke on my own tears at how huge the diamond is. 

"Justin oh my gosh." I splutter. 

"Anything for you baby." He says as he slides the ring onto my finger, he kisses me. "Thank you for saying yes. There are no words in the world that can describe the way I feel about you." 

"You're the best thing that has ever happened to me. I can't. Justin I love you." I say 

"DID SHE SAY YES!" Shania screams, running into the room. 

"YEAH I DID!" I scream back at her, she jumps at me and we both envolve into fits of giggles. 

"YOUR DREAMS, THEY'VE COME TRUE!" She shouts and starts jumping on the bed. "I'VE BEEN SHIPPING YOU GUYS SINCE I WAS THIRTEEN AND NOW YOU ARE GETTING MARRIED! THIS CALLS FOR CELEBRATION! SHOTS RIGHT NOW." Shania shouts, jumping off the bed and sprinting out the bedroom door. Justin comes to hug me, his smile getting wider at the minute. 

"I'm your dream man huh." He whispers. Sending chills down my spine. 

"You're my lifesaver since 09." I whisper back, he's always been my king and now I'm his queen. 

"It was just meant to be babe." He says and kisses my cheek. "Soon to be Mrs Bieber." he says in my ear and I can feel his smile against my skin. A smile reaches my face as well. 

"Ella Eden Bieber. Hm, it has a nice ring to it." I say. 

"Yeah I like it too." He says and drags me onto the floor. 

"WHAT THE HECK JUSTIN!" I say and he attacks me with the tickles, no way! I was going to pee myself. "JUSTIN STOP OR IM GOING TO KICK YOU SO HARD, WE WILL NOT HAVE CHILDREN!" I shout through the tickles, he stops immediantly. 

"Speaking about children all ready? Let's get going then. I'm ready." He says, taking off his jacket and then lifting his top up. I start to laugh. 

"In your dreams Justin." I say rolling my eyes and stand up, of course we are going to have children but I love to tease him with this topic. I start to walk out the door, to join Shania with the shots. I hear quick heavy footsteps behind me. Justin walks so close behind me, that I literally feel his penis against my butt. 

"Every night we do it babe." He whsipers and brushes his lips against my ear, I gasp. He laughs at my reaction and runs off singing. He plays the game even better, dammit. I hear laughing as I approach the bar, Justin is leaning over the bar, looking at Shania. He looks at me and mimes, 'new bae' I burst out laughing because he used the word bae. I love this boy. Shania continues laughing until she realises that both of us are staring at her. 

"Erm yeah gotta go. Yeah, see you later. Ha bye." she says smiling. I raise my eyebrows at her. "What? Can't a girl move on." 

"Who's the new prince charming?" Justin says through his perfect lips. I just want to kiss him again. Justin looks at  me laughing and expecting me to join the teasing. 

"Yeah, who's the new 'bae'" I say replicating Justin's use of the word 'bae'.

"You all know him very well. Someone knows him more than others." She says not admitting it all. 

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