All I Ever Wanted (Justin Bieber Fan Fiction)

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It was the day of the concert!!! Thursday 28th February 2013 and I couldn’t concentrate in school, I wanted to see Justin Bieber perform right this instance but noo I have rubbish school first; Why is life so unfair?!?! When I found out my best friend was taking me to see THE Justin Bieber I was absolutely gobsmacked, he is so sexy, fit and ergh words can’t even describe him! Well at three twenty I’ll be out this school in a flash to meet Ella...

Ella POV

“Ohmigosh ohmigosh!!! I begged my mom so much to make me stay off school since I wasn’t going to concentrate but as you see it didn’t work!” I tell all my friends.

“Shame,” Lauren says to me.

“Oh shush, I’m really upset!!! I wanted to get there early and meet Justin Bieber!!!”

“Like that is ever going to happen.” Lauren says, what is wrong with her today?

“Lauren.” Grace says to her and comes over to me. “Have a little bit of faith, it could happen still and anyway were glad you are in school today it wouldn’t have been fun!” Grace tells me trying to cheer me up.

“Aww thanks.” I tell her and hug her, the bell rings and we go to our lesson, I can’t get Justin Drew Bieber out of my mind; Ahh I love him soo much!!!

Shania POV

“Shut up Megan, you are irritating me!” I say to her, why she always had to sing when I wanted to concentrate?

“Oh cheer up Shan ‘Shan.” Megan sings into my ear.

“Stop calling me that!” I shout in her face but she doesn’t listen to me.

“Can you two stop arguing?!” Jasvir says to both of us, I ignore everyone; I have a feeling that Ella and I might meet Justin Bieber, I know it might be impossible to ever meet him and were just ordinary girls but you never know!

“Are you mad at me?” I look at Megan and she was doing her puppy dog face, she is such an idiot!

“No.” I tell her and she laughs and does her work, she is such a crazy girl!

~End of school day~

“I don’t like you Shania!” Wendy calls out to me as I run out of school.

“Jealousy is really bad for you!!!” I shout back, she loves Justin too but wasn’t going to see him tonight, Ha Ha sucker!

Ella POV

“Have a good time!!!” Tessa calls out to me, I wave at her and run down the road since Shania should be here by now well she better be, I come up to the place she told me she’d be at by three forty well it was three thirty all ready so it doesn’t matter, my phone started vibrating and it was my mom.

“Hey mom,” I say to her, I hope she is close.

“Hey El, I’m nearly there ok. Are you and Shai there together?”

“She will be here in a minute hopefully.”

“Okay then, I’ll see you in a bit.” She says and hangs up; I go to my music and blast Justin Bieber in my ears. Soon I’ll be hearing him sing this song live!!! OHMIGOSH, I still can’t believe I am going to see him tonight! What if Shania is right and I do actually pass out when he starts to sing? No it won’t happen, she is just joking with me as she always does. I see someone running in the distant and I think it might be Shania!

“ELLA!!!” She shouts and I know it’s her. “YO!” She says coming to stand by me.

“You took your time,” I say to her, she laughs and bends down to take a breath.

“Well sorry mom, I tried to get here earlier but couldn’t persuade the bus driver to fly over the traffic,” she says in her sarcastic voice. I just hit her on the arm and carry on listening to Justin.

“Oww.” She whines and rubs her arm; I try not to laugh at her misfortune.

“Do you have your stuff?” I ask her but regretted afterwards, oh here we go.

“No I don’t, I’m going to the concert in my uniform.” Yep knew it, I know this girl and for some reason she loves using sarcasm! “Okay I’m sorry, yeah I do.”

“Hmm,” I simply reply, where the hell was my mom?!?! I wanted to get there at least on time!!! My phone starts to ring and it’s my mom, I look at Shania. I knew she was thinking what I was thinking; my mom was going to be late, I answer the phone.

“Mom please don’t say, what I think your gonna say?!?!”

“I’m sorry El; there is a lot of traffic.”  WHY WHOULD IT HAPPEN ON THIS DAY OF ALL DAYS?! “Didn’t you take your stuff just in case?” hehe just in, like Justin! Okay focus.

“Yeah I did, so I can go to Shania’s house and get changed!” Lucky I did bring my stuff otherwise I would be in trouble.

“Shania has to ask her mom first, if you do go you can make your own way to town and I’ll pick you up there. Be careful okay.”

“Okay we will bye mom!” I say and hang up, I tell Shania about the change of plans.

“My mom is at work so we can just go it doesn’t matter! Let’s go!” she says and we run screaming for some weird reason to the bus stop, we got some funny looks from people so I stopped but Shania didn’t, she obviously didn’t care. Weirdo.

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