Why's Momo So Mean?

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Eiji Kikumaru's P.O.V

Etsuko just ran away. She dropped her bags at my feet and ran away. All because her old friend Momo yelled at her. He obviously doesn't fully remember her, but she has a photographic memory. She remembers everything and every little detail and word.
"Now look what you did, Momo!" I shouted at him. I rarely get mad at my friends, but when it comes to Etsuko, I'm willing to do anything for her.
"What did I do?!" Momo roared at me. "You're the one who started it!"
I never saw Ryoma leave until he came back with all the other regulars. Except for Kaido. Kaido was gone as usual.
"Eiji!" Oishi shouted at me. "Calm down!"
"Momoshiro," Tezuka glared. Momo gulped and took a step away from me. I was still angry.
"What happened?" Oishi asked.
"Well, Momoshiro started this whole argument on why I never took Estuko to a-" I started.
"Momo yelled at Etsuko," Ryoma interrupted me. He probably didn't want to hear the whole story. I sighed and looked away from him with my chin tilted upwards as an obvious sign of anger and annoyance.
"And where's Etsuko now?" Oishi asked.
"She ran off," Ryoma answered, once again, blocking me out before I could even try to speak.
"So nobody knows where she is?" Oishi asked.
"Hai," Ryoma replied, taking a relaxed sip of his Ponta.

Etsuko Kikumaru's P.O.V

I ran away from all of them. Momo yelled at me and it hurt; a lot more than I thought it would. I ran aay from Eiji and he never did anything wrong.
I continued running until I tripped on a rock and landed on a soft grassy surface. I looked up as I saw a shadow fall over me.
The silhouette of the man reached his hand out and I took it, accepting help. I stood up and tilted my head sideways as I saw who it was.
"Kaido?" I asked.
"Hai," Kaido replied. This was a different Kaido than what I was used to. A more calm and peaceful one. A kind one. I like this version much better than the one that argues with Momoshiro over every single little thing. And just like that I began crying again as his name popped into my head.
"Etsuko-san?" Kaido asked.
"It's nothing. I'm fine. Leave me alone. I don't need help. I'm a lone wolf," I muttered.
"No. Did somebody hurt you?" Kaido asked.
"Why are you so nice to me?" I asked.
"Because Momo's not around," Kaido replied, making me cry even more.
"Did Momo do something to you?" Kaido growled. I hesitated before nodding.
"Hai," I whispered.
"What? What did he do to you?" Kaido asked.
"He yelled at me. I know it makes me sound like a wimp, but I knew him for a year until I moved away and he forgot everthing about our friendship and I remember it all. He never yelled at me. Not until today," I said quietly, wiping my tears and standing up.
"Thank you, Kaido-senpai," I said. "I should go. I need to apologize to Eiji for scaring him like that. For all I know he could've killed Momoshiro by now."
"Eiji hurting someone? I don't think so," Kaido shook his head.
"You don't know him like I do. When someone does something to me, it's like a switch is activated. He'll stop at nothing to get his revenge on the person unless I put on a convincing act to make him stop," I said. "Eiji's like a ninja, dangerous and harmful at times, but usually always nice and friendly to everyone."
"I guess so," Kaido said, shrugging. "Feel free to come back any time. I'm here nearly everytime I'm not at my house or with the other Regulars."
"Hai. Thanks, Kaido," I said. "I need to go. Bye." He nodded at me before I turned and ran to the place I had last seen them.
"Eiji! Momo!" I called, cupping my hands around my mouth.
"You looking for those Seigaku brats?" a silver-purple haired teen said as he strolled up to me. I scowled at him. He has a weird aura. I should leave.
"I should probably leave now. My friends are waiting for me," I said, turning to leave. I started walking but didn't get very far before I felt his hand on my wrist. I spun around and started screaming at him.
"GET AWAY FROM ME!" I screamed. "GET AWAY FROM ME! GET AWAY FROM ME! GET AWAY FROM ME! GET AWAY FROM ME!" So I continued to scream this until a tennis ball whizzed past me and smacked the teen in the ribs. I stumbled away from him and tripped backwards, getting caught by Eiji. I turned around and hugged him tightly around the neck. I turned and saw Momo holding his racket and bouncing his ball on it casually while flashing a grin at the man in front of him.
"Now, now, Atobe," Momo chided. "That's no way to mess with a Seigaku team mate before we go against each other. Especially not one that we all favor and love." He looked at me as he said the last part. I nodded at him. It was his apology to me. I listened as he kept talking about the Kanto Tournaments and how Seigaku was going to kick their butts.
After Atobe was shooed away by the rest of the regulars, Momo turned to me.
"I'm sorry for earlier, Etsuko," Momo said sheepishly, shoving his hands in his pockets. "I didn't mean to yell at you. I was too caught up in the moment. But how could Eiji not have taken you to a themepark when you were younger?"
"Because we were busy and he's only a year older than me. Like yourself, Momo?" I said. It sounded more like a question than an answer.
"Well, we're going to a themepark today! And we're bringing the entrie Seigaku regular team!" Momo shouted. I looked over at Tezuka to see if he would come as well. he sighed and finally gave in. Even Kaido joined when he came back and met up with us all. I'm pretty sure he just followed me here.
Oh well.
"To the themepark!" I shouted.
"To the themepark!" Momo and the regulars shouted.

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