Chapter 2: The House on Fire

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Your POV

It's been a few months now and I have become closer to the Inupi siblings and Shin. I have already met Kokonoi too thanks to Inupi. Everything is going smoothly but I guess that's when things will get messed up, especially in anime and manga. The calm before the storm. This means one thing: Akane's death is coming soon...

I will have to save her first but how? Oh, I know since I have a 1 million dollars so I can just save her by paying for her hospital bills. I would prefer to not have the 2 of them get hurt but this world isn't exactly real so I think it is just better for me to help her this way than trying to change more of it and causing too much change. Saving her is already risking a lot... but I wanna save everyone.

Koko's POV

I'm on my way to Y/N and I think she thinks that I am in love with Akane but I am actually in love with her... She doesn't share the same feelings I think. Both Seishu and I really like her but she has no clue... She is a year older than me and I wanna do anything to protect her. I will do anything for her. "Hey Y/N!"

Your POV

"You're here Koko, on time like always".

"Of course Y/N, here let me carry those for you" he then took my bag and carried it for me.

"Koko you don't have to always carry my bag. I have hands and arms, you know."

"I know you do, but I just really want to do this for you."

"Thank you Koko" I smiled at him.

"... Y/N I don't like Akane-san romantically. I am in love with someone else..." he then had his face turned away while his face turned red. Why is his face turning so red? And why does he not like Akane? I thought he was supposed to be madly in love with her. I don't understand, did he find someone else? "I'm in love with you L/N Y/N."

... WHAT?!?! He is? How?!! Why me?! "I umm-"

"I know Y/N that you don't share the same feelings. It is fine I just wanted to tell you that I'll become a man, a man that is right for you. So please wait for me so that I can prove myself to you, Y/N".

"Okay, Koko I'll wait for you" I smiled at him.


We were walking to Inupi's siblings' house when we smelt something burning. "Y-Y/N the house is on f-fire..."

"Koko stay here and call 119. No matter what do not go inside. Please for me just don't go inside the house, alright?" He nodded at me. With that, I went inside the burning house...

"Seishu! Akane! Where are you?!"

"Y-Y/N" I heard a distant sound coming from the living room, it was Akane.

"Akane are you alright?"

"Yes I'm fine but Seishu..."

"Akane... don't worry about him, I'll find him. Let's first get you outside." Did the timeline change already? Koko found Seishu first doesn't that mean he was closer to the front door? But today Akane was much closer to the front door. This isn't very good... "Seishu! Where are you?!" I was about to yell his name once more when I see him lying on the floor unconscious. So I decided to just carry him. I think I'm starting to lose consciousness, good thing I had a towel with water just in case this were to happen.


The doctors said Akane was fine but Seishu needed surgery in order for him to survive which cost a lot of money. But obviously, I covered all of it after all I did have the money and Seishu is important to all of us.

Now Seishu has woken up and we were all together. I guess it's my time to depart with them, in order for me to save everyone... I'm still nervous about the fact that the storyline changed so much already. I'm not exactly sure what is going to happen next.

Koko's POV

After the whole incident with the house burning down, I realized I almost lost someone very important. But what scared me the most is the fact that Seishu would have mostly died if Y/N didn't cover the bills. I can't even imagine her being in Seishu's position and possibly ending up dying all because I didn't have some stupid money. So in order for something like that to never happen I will have to make money.

Inupi's POV

We all know that if it weren't for Y/N both, my sister and I would have died. I can't help but fall deeper in love with her. I think this is the same for Koko too though. From now on I'll do anything to protect her, just like how she saved both my sister and me. 





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