Chapter 16: The Kanto Conflict

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3rd POV

Izana had a gun pointed at Mikey, ready to kill him at any moment.

"If I lose this fight it means I lose everything."

Shinichiro spoke, "no, Izana. You haven't lost everything. You still have me, Mikey, Emma, Kakucho, and Y/N."

"Izana... we can all still live together..." Emma added.

"Shin, why didn't you tell me I wasn't your brother?"

This confused many, they thought he was their brother.

"Izana... I didn't tell you because I was afraid that you wouldn't be able to accept it even though we would have welcomed you into our family. Izana, you are my brother. Blood-related or not, you are. So please come back to us..." Shinichiro desperately spoke.

"Let's go and see Y/N-chin. We are all here today, nobody is looking after her right now..." Mikey added.

Izana's POV

Y/N... what would you say to me right now? Would you scold me for all the things I did? Knowing you, you'll definitely do that. I'll be lucky if I only get scolded.

I miss you so much. Why aren't you waking up?

I remember when a bunch of people were beating me up... you came all by yourself and protected me.

I got really mad at them for hurting you which eventually resulted in me getting sent to juvie. When I got out of juvie only three people were there Shin, Kakucho, and you. I got angry seeing Shinichiro so I ran away while you chased after me.

You told me that Shin loves me as my brother whether or not we were blood-related. During that time I only got even angrier because all this time you knew too and didn't tell me about it.


"Why didn't you tell me?! You knew the truth and yet you still kept it away from me! WHY JUST WHY?!?! Why Y/N, why?" I said while my voice became numb at the end.

Y/N then did something unexpected... she hugged me tightly while crying...

"I'm sorry Izana that things had to be this way. I promise you that one day, you'll be saved from all this..."

End of Flashback

That was the first and last time I ever saw you crying. Ever since I first met you, I knew you were brave and more courageous than anyone I knew. You only showed your happy side to me. Always smiling... Are you suffering just like I am?

Why can't you just be here with me? I don't know what I'm supposed to do without you...

"That day you mentioned is today, isn't it, Y/N?" I asked myself while looking up at the sky.

3rd POV

Izana slowly lowered his gun, just when they thought things were finally going to be peaceful Kisaki snatched the gun away from him.

"Again my plans have been ruined by Hanagaki." He pointed at Emma and Shinichiro, when he was about to shoot a sound of a motorcycle was heard and before they knew what was going on someone jumped in the air and kicked the gun away from his hand. They then took the gun into their hands.

Everyone was beyond surprised and confused about what was going on. "Huh?! Who are you?!" Kisaki yelled. The person was in all black and had a helmet covering their face.

Kisaki then charged at the person trying to punch whoever it was but the person then kicked his knees causing him to fall down while holding his knees. "AHHH!!!"

"There you are! Why did you suddenly disappear like that?! I was so worried, damn it!" A panting Taiju arrived at the scene.

Everyone was even more confused now. The former 10th-Generation Black Dragons were here, just who was the mysterious person?

"Sorry, Taiju." The person took their helmet off and it revealed you.


Those present in the current scene had no idea how to respond to the sudden news of me awake. They were all frozen and didn't say anything. I mean I understand. I was not awake earlier or so they thought.

"Y/N? How, what happened?" An extremely confused Takeomi spoke first.

"I heard you guys talking about this battle so I couldn't help but think that if I let you guys know I'm awake you guys will stop me from joining so I pretended to still be in a coma. I was going to go to you guys but Taiju spotted me. That's how we ended up here." Everyone just stared at me with worry. "Don't worry guys, I'm alright now!" I said trying my best to sound reassuring.

"Why do you always risk your life for our sake?" Mikey asked.

"Do you not trust us..." Chifuyu questioned. 

"It's not that I don't trust you guys... It's just if anything were to happen to you guys, I don't think I'll be able to live knowing I wasn't able to do anything. You guys are all that I have..." I said with a sad smile. 

"Y/N..." Draken spoke out. 

3rd POV

Nobody knew what they should say in this situation. They had no idea this was what you thought. 

You never had anyone in your previous life, you were always alone. When you came here and met all of them, you couldn't help but want to do anything to prevent any possible deaths among them. 

You were attached to them, so you were afraid the dynasty that was created will all fall down... 

Seeing how the people you care about getting hurt and seeing slight changes made you change. You could no other keep the rule you made for yourself. 

That's how you got into a coma. You were afraid that something totally unexpected will happen when Takemichi and Taiju meets for the first time.

Suddenly you were hugged by Angry and Smiley. "Y/N-chan, we had no idea that was what you were going through..." Smiley said. 

"We are sorry you had to carry a such burden by yourself this entire time..." Angry added. 

"Yeah, but now that we know, we won't let you worry about us all by yourself," Baji announced.

"Baji's right, we aren't going to let you get hurt while trying to protect all of us ever again. We witnessed what happened... and we all can agree that we don't want anything like that happening again," Mitsuya stated. 

"Y/N-chan, you have always saved us. Allow us to do the same for you as well," Kakucho spoke. 

"You guys..." Although you didn't want to believe it, tears were streaming down your face.

All these years, you have been suffering all by yourself. Trying to save everyone and assist Takemichi in achieving his goals. 

Maybe it was your time for saving... 





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