Chapter 1: "The girl in the corner"

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"Val, are you coming?" Sam asked me again from the door; this was the 5th time he had asked me. Even though he already knew my answer but he kept on insisting. For him, I needed to get out of my room. He will go to "Habichuelas Y Cafe" shop (Beans and Coffee shop).
It's a cozy place that serves some foods and drinks; its where most of the students spend their vacant time talking or just hanging around while drinking their coffee or tea, wine, or any drinks that they can afford; its a place for you not to get drunk but to relax and meet new people but for someone like me its a costly place, a five dollar for a coffee or tea is too much, especially for an Engineering student in which everything is about buying, for projects materials, for laboratories and more. I am just lucky to be one of the University's Scholars.
My parents could not afford for our college; in fact, of us six siblings, I am the only one that is studying a bachelor's degree; all my brothers and sisters after high school they already started looking for a job, reason at the beginning my father was not in favor of the idea of me pursuing bachelor degree but I push it because I want to be more prepare, I want to have bigger opportunities in the future, even to provide a family of my own.

Now I live in a small apartment far from my parent's house, my University is in another City, so rental payment is another expense. My small room is also my study room; I don't have any complaints about the small bed, closet, or small table the owner provided. We have a common kitchen and bathroom and a small sala if we have visitors. We are five on this floor most of my companions are in Education or Computer. Sam is not living with us; I know him from the Christian group I attend. He is taking Education, and once in a while, he visits me like today.

This is my last year of Engineering, so I need to focus. I cannot afford any distraction of any sort.
"Nos vemos ahorita entonces" I heard Sam again, followed by the door sound. He said, "see you later then" I lift my head a little to see him leave and continue studying my lesson. I need to be early at the University tomorrow.



In the morning, our English professor assigned us to make an essay construction, and it will be due tomorrow before noon. I may be good at Calculus, Geometry, Algebra, Topology, Chemistry, even Organic Chemicals but not in English. This is my weakest course; as a Spanish speaker country not everybody knows English fluently. Even some are zero in the language. I am one of those people that only knows a few words.

Now I am in big trouble; how can I write an essay in only one day? I cannot accept that I may not graduate this year because of this course, I was walking having this dilemma.

"Sam! Sam!" I was  breathless, trying to catch him.
"Val, man, what happened? It seems like some dog is chasing you" he is laughing at me.
"I need your help, and it's a priority," I told him catching my breath.
"Man, if it's about money, sorry friend, I have not received my allowance for this week"
" No, it's not about money, it's about my assignment that I need to turn in tomorrow, and I need your help," I explained to him.
"I'm sorry Val, no matter how much I want to help you but I cannot do it this time bro, I have a project to finish, and I was a little behind already, you know last night after "Habichuelas y Cafe" I went directly to sleep.
"Please, Sam, I need your help. Even just an idea about what this of my professor is asking," I am almost begging him.
"How I wish I had enough time for you today, bro; why don't you ask Susanna? I'm sure she can help you" Susana is one of the young ladies attending with us in our church meeting; she knows little English too; in other words, she can defend herself, but I don't want to bother her. "You know very much that I tried not asking any favor from the ladies, and we know she's not very good in English as well"
"Well, I'm sorry, man, I really cannot help you this time," he said apologizing and he continued walking.

Sam is always there for me, especially in my English course for he is good at it. English is one of my minor subjects, but if I will not do well, it can affect my application for graduation.
Knowing that Sam is not available, I feel down and cannot think to whom else I can ask for help.

I stopped walking and sat down one of the benches next to the Students Center building.

"Val, I know someone that can help you; come!" I didn't notice that Sam had come back and was now in front of me.
"Really? Where is he?" I stand up, gaining some hope.
"She's there," he is pointing in the students center building "by this time, she is a volunteer helping those students that has difficulty in English."
"That's good, thank you, man" He guided me to the Student Center's building, and we entered a big room, like a library, and some students scattered around doing something. Sam enters first and starts looking around.
"Oh, There she is" he pointed his hand to the girl in the corner. And I looked in the direction he said. Suddenly I felt all my body weak, I could feel my cold sweat, and I could not move my feet; I stayed standing for a while; I was shocked
looking at her in the far corner.
"Let's go; I will introduce you to her," I heard Sam. And it took me a couple of minutes before I found my voice.
"No! please, not her. Sam, I cannot; I'm sorry, I cannot go to her and worst ask for her help," I told him not paying attention to his surprise face.

I walked away out from the room, trying all my willpower to gain my composure. I cannot do it, period. It will be a difficult week for me again. How can Sam do this to me? But how can I blame him? He never knew that the girl in the corner is the same girl that hunted me in my sleeps.

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