Sing to Me

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In which Steve and Eddie are already together. Song credit: Head Over Heels by Tears for Fears

Steve sighs, walking over to the bed, sitting on Eddie's left side and laying his head on Eddie's lap. Eddie leans back against the headboard, sinking into the pillows and accepting Steve's company.

"Bad day?" Eddie asks gently.

"Yeah." Steve replies. He shuffles his legs to his chest, and takes Eddie's right hand. He fidgets with the cold metal rings.

"You wanna talk about it?" Eddie asks.

"Maybe later." Steve folds Eddie's hand into his. "Could you sing something?"

Eddie feels himself blush a little. "Um, sing?"

"Yeah Eds. A song," Steve teases. Eddie swats his hand playfully.

"I know that. You've just never asked me to sing to you before."

"I love when you sing."

Now Eddie is definitely blushing. "Oh. Okay." Eddie thinks for a minute. He can't really sing one of his normal songs, not like this. He thinks about softer songs, and Steve's favorites.

He settles on one and takes a breath. "I wanted to be with you alone, and talk about the weather," Eddie starts. His voice is a little shaky, but he feels Steve's breathing slow and gains some confidence. "But traditions I can trace against the child in your face, won't escape my attention."

Steve listens to Eddie's soft voice and already feels better. Everything that happened today fades in his mind and his favorite lyrics take their place.

"You keep your distance with a system of touch, and gentle persuasion. I'm lost in admiration, could I need you this much? Oh you're wasting my time, you're just, just, just wasting time."

Hearing Eddie sing those words, to him, is sort of magical actually. Steve lets his eyes close. He's really relaxed, almost not noticing Eddie's other hand in his hair. Almost.

Eddie gently runs his fingers through Steve's hair, from his hairline to his neck. Seeing Steve so relaxed is affecting him too, only focusing on the song and their synced breathing. He brushes his thumb back and forth on Steve's hand, keeping time.

"Something happens and I'm head over heels, I never find out, 'til I'm head over heels. Something happens and I'm head over heels, oh don't take my heart don't break my heart, don't don't, don't throw it away."

By the time Eddie finishes the rest of the song, Steve has fully fallen asleep. Eddie smiles, deciding not to wake him. They have time to take a short afternoon nap.

He reaches to remove Steve's shoes, apparently forgotten, then pulls the blankets over them, and closes his eyes.

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