Just Some Random Dude (1)

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Sometime early 1986. They're all in the same senior year. CW: alcohol

When Robin invited Eddie to this party as a friend of a friend of the host, he knew it'd be awkward. Which is half of why he ended up agreeing to go.

Eddie and Robin are friends from school; the band and art kids mostly know each other and get along. And besides that, the queer kids in Hawkins that find each other like to stay together.

And Eddie likes Robin, he does. She's funny and way smarter than him, and can talk for miles—they spend hours infodumping to each other. It's just that when Eddie found out who her best friend was, he was a little... surprised.

Robin's best friend is none other than Steve Harrington, King of Hawkins High. Total jock, total asshole. Rich kid who thinks he's better than everyone else because of it.

That's really all Eddie knows about Steve, that all the girls love him (and the boys too, actually), and he has big parties in his big house when his parents are away. Which seems to be often.

And because of this impression, Eddie couldn't fathom how Robin would be best friends with someone like him. Robin's not like that at all; concerned with being popular.

Eddie usually tries to tune that crowd out, so he never noticed Robin at their lunch table. But sure enough, ever since he found out, he's seen her there with Steve and Tommy H. and Carol, and occasionally Billy Hargrove.

Robin doesn't actually seem to pay any attention to the others, just chatting with Steve and laughing about whatever, but still. Eddie can't imagine tolerating that table for a minute, let alone entire lunch hours.

So when Robin asked him this morning if he wanted to go with her to Steve's party tonight, he didn't know what to say.

"No," he finally concluded.

"What? Come on," Robin protested. "It'll be fun."

"I cannot imagine having fun at that asshole's house."

"He isn't."


"An asshole. Not really, anymore."

Eddie blinked. "I think you have to be, to be named King of this place."

Robin sighed. "Listen, why would I be friends with him if he was really just like Tommy, or Billy?"

"That's what I—"

"I wouldn't, right. He's not so bad when you really get to know him. I'm hoping..." she paused, glancing over at Steve, who stood by his locker nearby. "I'm hoping that he'll stop soon. Stop hanging out with them, and stuff."

"I mean, that's great, I guess, but why does it have to involve me?"

"I dunno, maybe if you go to this party, you could be friends too?"

Eddie had to laugh then. "Me and Harrington? Friends? Never gonna happen." Eddie shut his locker and started down the hall.

Robin followed him. "Just hear me out, okay? He's my friend, but I hate his friends, and maybe if he gets to know more people like me he'll finally drop them for us?"

"Are you saying you want to use me?"

"No! Maybe. You don't have to go, but I dunno Eddie. I know you think it sounds dumb, but I think you two could get along. Be friends."

Eddie sighed. "I don't know, Buckley. I'll think about it."

Robin grinned. "Cool. Do you know where his house is?"

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