Heat of the Moment (2)

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CW: Alcohol, throwing up. Also, none of this is super healthy of them, but dw they're just dumb teenagers. They'll figure it out.

"Are you serious?" Eddie asks, unsure whether this is a Drunk Robin Jumping to Conclusions or a Drunk Robin Accidental Outing.

"Ohhh I'm serious. He's queer and he think's you're hot," Robin giggles, brushing Eddie's hair over his shoulder absentmindedly.

He stares at her in disbelief. "Rob, you can't—I don't even know what to say to that."

"Well he's coming back over, so maybe 'hey Steve I think you're hot too! We should totally ki—"

Eddie clamps a hand over Robin's mouth just as Steve reaches them through the sea of teenagers. She glares at him and pushes his hand away, but doesn't finish her sentence, thank god.

"Okay, I made it out," Steve says, running a hand through his hair, somehow making it better.

"I'm glad," Eddie says without thinking.

Steve raises an eyebrow. "Couldn't wait to see me again?"

Eddie pushes down the feelings of alarm Robin's information brought up, focusing instead on this banter thing they're doing. "Maybe, what about it?"

"I thought you found me—what was the word?—Right, insufferable."

Eddie laughs in surprise. "You heard that?" He said it to Robin almost a week ago when walking out from lunch with her. He didn't realize Steve was paying any attention to him.

"Oh I heard. You're hard to miss, Munson."

Eddie's actually not sure what to say to that (first time in his life—or second time today), but just then Robin's head falls on his shoulder.

"Ugh," she groans. "I don't feel good."

Steve's immediately at her side, shifting Robin to lean against him. "Come on Robs, upstairs. Bathroom."

She groans again but doesn't protest, almost like this has happened before. Eddie wonders how many of Steve's parties she gets through like this.

"Wait, Eddie," Robin mumbles before they leave.

"Uh, yeah?"

"Come with. You—we're your only friends here."

Eddie ignores the we're, because he's not sure if what he and Steve have going on counts as friendship quite yet, and laughs.

"Alright Buckley, yeah, you're right." He looks at Steve. "You mind?"

"Uh, guess not. Just... follow me."

Steve turns and helps Robin through the crowding to the stairs. Eddie tries his best to follow close behind, earning looks from a couple people. Not a lot of attention overall though. Jason Carver must not be close.

Surprisingly, no one's upstairs. Eddie thinks the only way that's possible is that it's a strict rule of Steve's parties. Eddie wonders why, and if it has anything to do with Robin.

They walk down the hall to two doors, one of which Steve opens into a bathroom. Robin immediately sits on the tile floor and groans. Steve opens a drawer under the sink and pulls out a plastic headband, handing to Robin. She pulls it on, tucking her hair back from her face.

Eddie just sort of stands back awkwardly, watching the almost routine actions. Then, as Robin groans and throws up into the toilet. Steve turns on the faucet and fills a paper cup with water, waits while Robin's sick until she reaches out for it.

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