Guitar (Teach Me)

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In which Eddie and Steve are a little older and dating, Vecna/Upside Down stuff doesn't exist. Song credit: I Was Made for Lovin' You by Kiss.

Eddie smiles when he catches Steve staring at him again— strangely, nothing makes him feel more metal than his boyfriend watching him play. He finishes the song with a bit more passion. Really turning on the dramatic flair. The audience eats it up.

After the set, Eddie slings his guitar around to his back and walks over to Steve, who's sitting at the bar next to Nancy. He sits down next to them and orders a drink.

"That was one of your best yet," Nancy says, sipping a lemonade. For some reason, Eddie never sees Nancy drink alcohol.

"Thanks, I thought so," Eddie says. He leans towards Steve teasingly. "Seems like most people liked it"

Steve goes a little red. "Yeah, it was great Eds."

"Hey y'all." Robin walks up to them. "Sorry I missed the end, Munson. Though it was loud enough to hear from the bathroom." Eddie grins. Robin takes Nancy's glass from the counter and downs the last of her lemonade.

"Hey!" Nancy protests. Robin just takes her hand and pulls her in.

"Come dance with me," she says. Nancy smiles and follows. Eddie turns back to Steve.

"So, what'd you think of the set?" He asks.

"I already told you, it was great," Steve says.

Eddie leans closer. "I know the music was great. But what about me?"


"Yeah. Describe what it was like, watching me from the crowd. Observing my every move. Paint a detailed picture with words."

All the blush leaves Steve's face, replaced with an annoyed look. "Shut up, Munson."

Eddie laughs. "Seriously though, I only care about your opinion, baby. If you aren't there to watch I might as well not play." Steve stares at him, and for a minute, Eddie worries he's laid it on too thick. Then Steve empties his glass, stands up, and pulls Eddie by the hand backstage.

It's a small room, just holding some music equipment. But no one's inside at the moment, so Steve shuts the door behind them and kisses Eddie.

Eddie's a little startled, but just as soon returns the kiss and pulls Steve closer. Steve slides his arms around Eddie's neck and after a minute, breaks the kiss.

"What was that for?" Eddie says, out of breath. Steve smiles.

"Just felt like it," he says.

"Well I'm not complaining." Eddie moves to kiss Steve again, but just then the doorknob turns. They jump apart as one of Eddie's band mates walks in.

"Oh, hey Eddie," he says, words a little slurred. He's holding a bass guitar, which he clumsily sets on its stand in the room. Eddie catches it before it almost falls over. "What are you doin' in here?"

"I, um," Eddie says.

"He was teaching me guitar," Steve finishes. The bass player gives him a weird look, but doesn't seem to think about it too hard.

"Okay, cool. Carry on." He leaves the room, closing the door behind him.

"Teaching you guitar?" Eddie says, laughing. Steve glares at him.

"It was the first thing I though of."

"Well... you want me to?"

"Want you to what?"

"Teach you."

"Oh, absolutely not."

"Come on, we have to now!"

"No we don't— Eddie!" Steve tries to stop him but Eddie pulls him to the floor, sitting cross-legged. Eddie pulls his guitar off his back and carefully hands it to Steve, who awkwardly takes it.

"Now, I'm only letting you touch this because I love you. If anything happens to it I might die."

"I didn't ask to do this!"

"Shh. Okay, hold it like this..." Eddie proceeds to help Steve into the proper playing position. Steve was annoyed at first, but Eddie's enthusiasm seems to be rubbing off on him.

"I wanna learn I Was Made For Lovin' You," Steve says. Eddie laughs.

"Oh, now you're into it? Well perfect, that song's got easy chords." Eddie shows him the E minor and A minor chords. "It's just these alternating for the chorus."

After a few minutes of practicing, Steve actually sounds... pretty terrible. But that doesn't stop him from trying.

"I was made for lovin' you baby!" Steve sings loudly.

"Shh!" Eddie says, but he's laughing.


"Jesus Steve, stop," Eddie pulls the guitar off Steve, both of them laughing now.

"Eddie, I was just getting good at it!"

"Trust me sweetheart, you weren't."

"Maybe just a little more..." Steve reaches for the guitar again, but Eddie tackles him down, hovering over him on the floor. Steve laughs, and Eddie can't keep from smiling at the boy.

"I'm never letting you play again," Eddie says. Steve reaches to tuck Eddie's hair behind his ears, away from brushing Steve's face.

"I think I'm okay with that, as long as you keep serenading me onstage," Steve says.

"Hey, I love all my fans equally," Eddie says, feigning offense.

"Sure you do, sweetheart," Steve says. Eddie leans down to kiss him, and then Steve flips him over so he's on the floor, and they're kissing and laughing and nearly knocking things over in the process.

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