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Set a couple months after season 4, Vecna defeated + Eddie lives (fav combo ik). Also I wrote this while high on pain meds post oral surgery, so I hope it doesn't suck 👍

CW: semi-explicit smut

"So tell me Steve, what's the best new movie today?"

Steve groans as Eddie Munson walks up to the Family Video counter for the third time this week. "You didn't even buy the last one I recommended."

Robin, restocking nearby, snorts. "That's because your recs suck, Steve."

Eddie finger-guns. "Exactly."

Steve throws his hands up. "Then why do you keep asking?"

Eddie shrugs. "I dunno, in case they get any better?"

Steve rolls his eyes and turns his attention to an approaching customer. Eddie takes the hint (for now) and goes to talk to Robin instead.

Steve helps the customer and tries not to think about Eddie. It's not fair that he can do that, push everything Steve should be focusing on aside. There's just something about him that demands Steve's attention.

"Well, everyone's attention, right?" Steve reasons with himself. "Eddie's a performer. He likes attention."

"And you like giving it to him," another voice adds. Steve glares at the voice, shaking his head. Then he looks back up at the customer and realizes he must look crazy.

Which he probably is, at this point.

"So, that's a no on the recommendation?" Eddie's somehow teleported back at the counter, leaning on it and grinning at Steve.

"Jesus," Steve mutters. Eddie's always catching him off guard; Steve thought he'd be used to it by now. "Yeah, no. I guess I'm bad at it, so."

"Aw, it's okay Steve. You can't be good at everything."

Steve raises an eyebrow. "What does that mean?"

"Just, Steve Harrington is normally good at anything he tries."

Steve snorts. "Yeah, that's not true."

Eddie's wearing a new t-shirt, Steve notices. It's not cut up, torn, faded or safety-pinned. His hair is also up in a ponytail; it's hot out today. Steve watches it bounce with Eddie's micro-movements.

"Oh, come on. You impress people, Steve."

"Do you not remember I just failed to get into college?"

"That doesn't exactly mean much to me, Harrington. I'm talking about your... flair."

Steve laughs. "Me? Flair? Look who's talking!"

Robin comes back around the counter, standing next to Steve. "I dunno, Eddie's got a point. You're always trying to fight people and be a hero and shit."

Because for most of his life he thought he had to prove his worth with every move, climb to the top, be impressive. Now, after his life getting turned upside-down (literally), he's gotten a pretty different perspective. Robin and Eddie got to know him outside of high school popularity. And without the literal apocalypse, they might never have had the chance.

Steve's lucky they did. Robin's his best friend. He can't imagine living without her, now.

Eddie is... different. Steve definitely didn't want Eddie to hate him for who he used to be, but the alternative comes with its own weirdness.

Eddie's loud, chaotic, and often annoying, but he doesn't really do it for attention. He does it because he's not afraid of being himself.

Not only was it confusing during the end of the world, Eddie hasn't left Steve alone since. No, he's insisted on popping up at random times to see Steve. To bother him, more like.

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