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In which season 3 and 4 are sort of mashed together— everyone is the same ages as season 4 and they know Eddie, but Steve and Robin work in Starcourt at Scoops and Dustin just got back from camp.

"Why do you still have that?" Steve asks after Robin draws another tally on the You Rule/You Suck whiteboard. In the You Suck column.

"Uh, because you still suck at interacting with customers," Robin replies.

"I'm not trying to flirt with them anymore, so how do I suck at it?"

"My question exactly." Steve glares at her and erases the whole whiteboard. "Hey!"

"I think I'm charming all the time, even in normal mode," Steve says, taking the whiteboard to the back of the ice cream shop.

"Normal mode? So you've got normal, flirting, and idiotic," Robin calls to him. "Or maybe those are all the same thing."

"Oh no I can't hear you..." Steve pretends to fade out and ignores Robin's scoffing, smiling to himself. Sure, maybe his "Ahoy, sailors!" greeting isn't to everyone's liking. But most people think it's fun, right? It's in the spirit of the Scoops Ahoy brand. And it makes the uniform a little less embarrassing, probably.

"Steve!" Robin calls again.

"I said I can't hear you!" Steve yells back.

"Uh, I think you might want to!" Steve doesn't know what she's talking about, but she's not joking anymore, so he decides to go see.

"What are you—" Steve stops abruptly when he sees a familiar face standing in front of the counter. "Henderson!"

"Harrington!" Dustin says, opening his arms for a hug, which Steve happily accepts.

"Dude, you didn't say you were gonna be back this soon!" Steve says, grinning. "Robin, he's back! You're back!"

"I wanted it to be a surprise," Dustin says, grinning just as much. "So, here I am!"   

"Aw, you're both so happy to see each other, sweet!" Robin says with fake enthusiasm. "But, you know, Steve kinda works here, and—"

"Robin, shh," Steve interrupts. "So, how was camp?"

"It was awesome, man," Dustin says. Robin rolls her eyes and goes to help customers.

"Glad to hear it," Steve says. Steve isn't much of a science guy, and as confusing or annoying Dustin's tech rants can be, he can't deny his overall support for the kid's interest. And not just interest at this point— talent. Steve swears Dustin's way smarter than him, and he's only fourteen.

"Oh, and guess what?" Dustin says.

"Tell me," Steve says.

"I have a girlfriend!"

"What? Dustin, that's great! Um... how?"

Dustin glares at him. "How?"

Shit. "I just mean, how'd you get a girlfriend over just a week at summer camp?"

"I'm gonna pretend you aren't doubting me right now. Her name is Suzie, and she's way smarter than me, and really pretty, and even though she lives in Utah—"

"Woah, what? Utah?"

"—Even though she lives in Utah, I made a super powerful radio that I can call her with."

Steve just stares at him for a minute. Dustin goes away for one week and gets a girlfriend, and it took Steve half the summer to get a boyfriend. Figures. Anyway, he can't be too harsh, Dustin's a great kid.

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