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In which Steve and Eddie have been dating for about six weeks. This is fluffy early-relationship fluff babes <3

Art Credit: Aisulu Shakirkhan

CW: brief mention of parental neglect/abuse

"Oh my god, you're an ABBA fan," Eddie gasps. He's going through Steve's tape collection for the first time. Because, he's also in Steve's bedroom for the first time.

Steve had been hesitant to have Eddie over because of how he feels in his house. Lonely, anxious, exhausted. The big, empty rooms only remind him of his dad yelling, loud parties, and failed relationships.

Eddie didn't seem to have any problem with Steve hanging out at his place, so that's what they did. But it started to bother Steve that it wasn't even between them, when it technically could be.

He couldn't avoid Eddie coming over to his house forever, right?

Then, Steve started to think about it more critically—aka, he talked to Robin about it.

"Well, your house is connected to bad memories, yeah?" Robin asked.

"Yeah," Steve sighed.

"So... maybe make some good memories, now, to replace them."

Steve stared at Robin and her beautiful genius mind.

"Why thank you," Robin said, because apparently Steve said that out loud.

So Steve finally asked Eddie over, to spend an afternoon together in his room. He didn't know what they'd do, exactly, but he and Eddie didn't always need plans. Steve just... likes to be with him.

Eddie immediately flopped onto Steve's bed when Steve invited him in. He posed dramatically, which Steve tried—and failed—not to smile at. Eddie looked around, eyes quickly landing on Steve's stereo and tapes.

He snatched them before Steve could object, laying at the end of Steve's bed, on his stomach.

Steve hesitated, then just shrugged and sat down at the foot of his bed, next to Eddie leaning over.

"Why do you sound surprised?" Steve asks. "ABBA is great."

Eddie raises his eyebrows, nodding. "Oh, yeah, totally. They're actually all I listen to."

Steve pushes Eddie's face away. "Shut up."

Eddie laughs, moving on to the other tapes. "Springsteen, Tears for Fears, a-ha... no surprises there."

Steve pulls his knees to his chest, leaning on his hand. "Am I that predictable?"

"It's not a bad thing, Steve—ooh, Queen! And Journey... holy shit, KISS?"

Steve smirks. "Ha, see? I'm full of surprises."

Eddie looks up from the tapes, grin on his face, eyes shining. "So you are, Steve. So you are."

They stare at each other for a second, and it's like Eddie's got Steve under some kind of spell, because all Steve can think is how pretty Eddie looks right now.

In his room, on his bed.

"Steve, you're gonna make me blush with that look," Eddie whispers teasingly.

"Kiss me," Steve whispers back. Eddie leans forward at the same time Steve does, lips meeting in the middle. It's sweet, it's soft, it's perfect.

Steve's heart flutters in his chest, his cheeks flush. Eddie smiles against his lips.

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