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"When love is consider stigmatized then forbidden love should be a role model!". said the character to it's lover in the book that kept her company while she sat by the the same time,she thought about the two men that she madly in love with and how  she can never end up with either of them cause of society preferences or conditions.

But with either of them not in her life,she gained two extra loved ones Nadia and her baby that will be here pretty soon.she then closed the book after reading a few chapters and realized that it's the afternoon already and stood up when Nadia woke up and cried,I went and pick her up and left to the garden which is just outside the palace by the entrance.

Stepping outside the palace and seeing the beautiful scenery outside was amazing.I turned to the left where the garden is since I'm the only one who spends time and tends to the plants in the garden.the entrance of the garden has two trees that stood opposite each other with a opening between so that anyone can enter,the trees also have the most beautiful flowers knows as jasmines which bloom's on the first night of October and drop to the ground where they instantly die.but since October is passed,both trees were leafless with branches that look lifeless and she walked pass them to another favorite which was in the center of the garden.

She has a habit of greeting all the plants that grows there and some people at Laal Mahal consider her mad or crazy at times but never pay heed to their comments and carried on.she arrived to the center and a group of red roses bloom so beautifully that's she almost fell to the ground and but kept her balance steady and her belly walking constantly.

She took a jug that in a shape of a vase that always stood next to the group of rose's and sprinkled the water over them when she heard a voice that couldn't resist her from smiling"Namaste.....meri jaan!".

She turned around and saw 
Bajirao standing there in a white kurta and pants,smiling from ear to ear with his silver eyes and she  ran to him but realized she pregnant and has Nadia in her hands.she stood still and he looked down at the child she holding in her arms confused but she said"come and meet someone special!".

He walked towards her when he grab a rose from the patch of roses and inches before her went down on his knee and gave her the rose like he proposing to her and she started blushing and turned her face away so he can not see it then he stood up and placed it in her hair and gave her a light kiss on the cheek.

She turned back and embrace him with one arm while holding her child in the other and said"I missed you!!!!!".Alia said with her face against Bajirao chest.

"I miss you too!".he replied.

"But tell me..... who's child is this?".she pulled away and decided to tell him the whole story about how she found and rescue Nadia and he hugged once again not hurting Nadia and said"that my girl and I'm happy that you are going to be the mother of my unborn child!.........I wish we had meet sooner".

"No matter how short our time is feels like I known you for years!".I replied to him with a smirk.

He then looked at Nadia and he couldn't control himself with her and I gave her to him which he walked in circles and showed her funny faces to make her laugh and I couldn't seem to stop smiling at seeing him with her and thought"both of them would be incredible father's to my unborn child!".

I went and sat down by a brown bench that stood in the garden and admire the greenery all around me till a bump against my left arm woke me and Bajirao came and sat next to me and said"wish we can spend the rest of our lives like this!".and he kissed her cheek gently.

"Indeed....but my dream is to leave this place once and for all!".I said yearning for it to happen.

"I'm the prince and you can leave with me any time!".he said as if it's easy.

"You wish.... they will probably kill you and I won't be able to get over that!".I said to him.

"I'm am the prince,royals can make anything possible and aww look who care for me so dearly!".he said with giggle at the end.

I slap his arm softly and said"stop know I mean it!".I replied lying my head against his arm.

We then ended up talking the whole day and as the night was bestowed upon us,he left and I went back to my chambers and not knowing what events or changes will unfold next in my life.

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