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"Ammi,stop crying!!!!! you know I hate seeing you in this state.its been 20 years since you last seen him and you know I will never forgive both of them cause neither showed their faces here ever again after that day!". Sooraj said with hate coming out his words and Alia got scared with his answer and said"don't say that please!!one might be your".she said wiping her tears.

"Ammi I don't care,which one of them is my real father,all they could have done is just showed their faces once,just to indicate that they still care!!".he said.

He placed his arm around her and said caressed her cheek"I'm sorry for saying that but they don't even know that you are sick and we not sure"Sooraj was cutt off by his mother placing her hand on his mouth and said"don't blame yourself its my mistake and this is prize that I have to pay for sin I committed badly all those years ago!!".Alia replied and wipe her tears which ruined her eyeliner and she stood up again and quickly fix it when Raj,Nadia and Malini with young Alia walked in.

"Why all the sad and long faces,I spoke about this......come today is a day my young Bhai is becoming a Peshwar huh!!".Raj step in wearing a blue sherwani with white pants matching outfits with Malini and gave Sooraj a tight hug.

"I miss you Bhai,the palace must stop keeping you away from your family!!".Raj said to Sooraj and they instantly started laughing with his joke.

"Well come let go inside and have a lunch together as a happy family that was prepared by Malini and Nadia!".Raj said and everyone left the room and made their way to the empty hall that now a beautiful dinning room and had lunch.

Alia all ready suffered 20 years with loneliness but life took a devastating turn six months ago when she discovered that she had cancer and tried to get better but nothing work.her children couldn't bear this devastating news but did everything they can do to help their mother not knowing when is her last.

They carrying on till the night and while everyone was having a good time,Alia stood up and went to go rest and all of southern felt a uneasy pain in her and began breathing slowly in and out.she then called Raj and as they heard her voice they all came running in and knew something wasn't right and they sat besides her and made her comfortable till she smiled at all of them and said"I'm need to worry!".she replied.

"Ammi don't say anything just rest for now!!".Raj told her and she nodded her head while he grab her hand in his but then her face changed and she rumb her chest which indicated she is in pain and it broke their hearts that they could do nothing about it.

she then closed her eyes and her breathing becoming less then the next till they saw her taking her last breath and afterwards her hand left Raj hand and dropped to her side and Nadia immediately burst into tears and Malini embraced her sister-in-law knowing that Alia has passed away.Sooraj then tap on Raj shoulder who was in endless tears and he stood up and gave his younger brother a tight hug.

After endless tears,they all decided to change and get ready for a funeral at short notice.the two women stood outside and waited for Raj and Sooraj who came out crying and carrying Alia body wrapped in a white cloth and placed her body on the funeral pyre and Sooraj lit the pyre and the flame consumed the pyre turning it into ashes and but little did they know with Alia taking her last breath,two more people felt a unbearable pain in their hearts as if a piece of them is being taken away from.

After the funeral they all went inside and cried their hearts out knowing that they will surely miss the women who dedicated her entire life to them.

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