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"oh he isn't dead" five said as the duo walked in the room "no" Elena blankly said "disappointed" Lila questioned "to see you always" five smirked as he picked up some coffee as Elena eyed the girl "so much hostility in a tiny package" Lila spat "both of you stop it " Elena asked as five lent against the door frame "aww did you cut yourself shaving I could teach you how to shave like a big boy" lila joked "no I just ran into an old family friend," five sighed as elena rolled her eyes as she walked over to the cabinet grabbing out a medical kit before handing it to five "a piece of paper towel isn't going to do much" "you didn't untie him" five then said looking at elliot snoring behind the group "was I suppose too," lila asked "didn't know i had to" elena said as she waked over to the man and began untieing him "up you get" elena whispered as elliot slowly awakened "what what happened" elliot questioned "nothing" she blankly said before giving the man a slight smile "come on" she said as they both walked back to the group.

"you alright" Five asked as he joined the girl sitting on the steps as she hummed "Where did you go last night" he then asked as the girl looked at him "stop it" she hissed as the boy was taken aback "look i don't know who you are or where you came from but I was right five i know you are not to be trusted, so do me a favour and stay the hell away from Elliot,  you do not question him or do you listen to him, you listen to me and you ask me, have you got that" the girl snapped "you were there last night weren't you thats why you came to keep us in  check" the boy said getting closer to the girl "you barged into my life with all this chaos I have every right not to trust you and your ideas" she snapped back as she walked away.

"hey we got one" Elliot shouted "hey one of the machines you asked is going crazy" he continued as the two teenagers ran in "which one" five asked "uh the atmospheric rador" elliot said as he looked over the machine "good" the boy said they huddled around the screen "i don't get it what are you tracking a hurraine a storm front" elliot then asked "sound waves" five answered as Elliot copied him "wow-what" elliot started before five blipped away as the girl stared the screens with anger in her eyes 

"hey Elena," Elliot said as he knocked on the girl's door "what's up," she said as she sat up "can we talk," the man asked as he sat on the girl's bed "of course," the girl said looking at the man "great it's just uhh well your becoming close with that boy five and I just want you to be careful you know just in case" Elliot started as the girl looked at him confused "just in case--" Elena asked "you know just in case you get hurt or killed or if you guys start to get serious" Elliot finished as the girls eyes widened "Elliot" the girl exclaimed "alright um no let's not go there look I still don't even know him like at all nor do i trust any part of him and his family, he came with the threat of an apocalypse thats never good" she started before she sighed  "look Elliot you know I can take care of myself, better than anybody has trust me I will be fine we will be fine" she continued as the man nodded "you don't need to worry about me okay let me do the worrying" the girl smiled as elliot hugged her "i just want you to be safe elena but i also need you to be nice to him this is what ive been waiting for, for years" "i know but i  want you to be safe" she hugged back.

"hey Elliot I'm going to run out okay" Elena said as she brushed over her dress "oh right yep ill see you later," Elliot said "bye," the girl said as she closed the door.

"leave the pot dear," five said to the waitress as she began to walk away with the pot of coffee "lippy little shit" the woman spoke as she walked away "you gonna tell me what the hells going on" Vanya asked "when you were a baby you were bought by an eccentric billionaire, he raised you in an elite academy with six other siblings with extraordinary powers but in the year 2019 in order to avoid the apocalypse we jumped into a vortex and ended up being scattered throughout the timeline in Dallas texas," five said "any questions" he then asked "what do you mean "apocalypse," vanya asked "I mean the end of the world as we know it" five said "yeah but how," vanya asked "you really don't remember anything do you" five questioned "no nothing before a month ago," vanya said "then what do you remember" five asked "I landed in a back alley got hit by a car my head was ringing like crazy I had no idea how I got there or where I came from what causes the apocalypse,"v  asked "asteriod impact the big kaboom ends everything" five told her "just like the one that got the dinosaurs but way worse bad news is it followed us here" five continued "what do you mean follow us" v asked "eight days from now the world ends in a nuclear doomsday its a different disease but same result" five said "that cant be right" vanya scoffed "i saw it with my own eyes you were there we all were" five softly spoke "shit i gotta make a phone call" vanya said quickly getting up and walking over to the phone.

"what are you doing here" a voice spoke as five looked at the girl "depressed much," the girl asked as the boy rolled his eyes at her 'that your sister," Elena asked gesturing towards Vanya "yep that would be her," five said glancing over at his sibling "careful Elena he's a little shit," the older waitress said making the girl looked at her and rolled her eyes "got it, Maree thanks," she said as she clicked her tongue  "bitch" she hissed "I didn't know you worked here," five said changing the subject "girls gotta have some savings I'm not going to spend my life in a man and his moneys shadow" she said "Elena I'm paying you to work not chitchat," a man said "I'm on break" she spat "watch it or I'm writing you up" he threatened "suck it" she hissed "watch it gussmann" he spat before leaving "classy" five said "if I could i would be out of here just like that" she sad as she clicked her fingers "but sadly I'm stuck here serving old homophobic but deeply closeted men and teenagers who just wanna a hit" she continued as she leant on the counter "hey girl wheres my food" a man shouted as elena looked at him "help me" she mouthed "yeah it will be right with you calm down" she shouted as she walked over to the kitchen. "what the hell" v said as five hung up the phone "we don't have time for this" five said "that's my friend you just hung up on" v shouted "listen to me those people from the field are coming after us,they are never going to stop do you understand me we need to stick together find the others and figure out how to stop doomsday, who ever this person is cant be more important than the end of the world...we need to go" five softly spoke as v looked at him before following him out.

"you hungry Elliots made moldy tuna" lila asked as elliot spluttered "its a tune mold" he shouted "ill pass wheres my shirt" diego asked as he stood up "where do you think your going" lila then asked "this is all connected to JFK and my dads right in the middle of it...that's why he attacked me last night cause he knows that I'm actually getting closer-" diego stated before lila poked his fresh wound with a broom stick making him yell "yeah your in such a fit state to fight you should probably go right now" lila sarasticly spoke "what is wrong with you" diego yelled as "you almost got killed last night take a day off" the girl said as she put away the broom stick "i cant believe i got shanked by my own father" diego softly said "i know so rude" lila said "hey if its any consolation he probably didn't know he was your son when he shanked you" lila continued "still he cheap shotted me man to man that son of a bitch wouldn't stand a chance" diego muttered "of course he wouldn't" lila replied as she touched diego making him gasp lightly "why were you following me" diego then asked "i thought you were taking off on me mmm what people do....hey um you know when your lying there i..i thought you were dead that's how i found my parents facedown in the living room it was a home invasion" lila soflty spoke shit...how old were you"diego asked facing the girl "four" she said "you never talked about that in group" diego said " i never talked about that with anyone...anyone besides my sister but shes gone aswell" lila muttered "if you want to stay longer for a bit i guess that's okay" diego ressuared "yeah" the girl said "yeah" the boy repeated "is it okay that i don't hate you like i hate most people" lila then asked as she sat up "yeah that's okay by me" diego laughed as he then kissed the girl before lila slapped him "jesus" he yelled "what the hell do you think your doing" lila raised her voice "i don't understand you" diego yelled before lila climbed on top of him 

"I'm late I know" Lila spoke as she walked in the room "There's all kinds of crazy going on outside" she continued as she picked up a piece of paper "Hey can I order room service I'm starving" Lila then asked as she layer down on the bed "of course you deserve it" the handler said as she walked out of the bathroom "thanks mum" Lila smiled as she looked at the woman known as her mother before kissing her on cheek

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