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" i just wish there was another way" Luther sighed walking next to older five "there isn't luther look at him" older five said as they both looked at the boy behind them 

"what are you looking at"five yelled over the railings "stop it" the girl  hissed pushing the boy away "you caused enough trouble don't make it worse" "i don't trust you elena gussmann" five then said stopping the girl "and i still don't trust you five hargreeves," she said staring at the boy "your one of them killers I bet the handler sent you to kill me, that's right I see right through you  and your little lies, it was all an act everything  befriending elliot making him take you in so you could wait for me to fall right into your trap....well guess what i don't believe you" five fastly talked as the girl slapped him across his face "what your fucking mouth kid, i don't care if you don't believe me but trust me on this, i loved elliot he wasn't one of my pieces in this so called game, he was my family so for you to think i would endanger my family to get to you in your little boy scout uniform, that is were your wrong" the girl hissed getting close to his face "disrespect me or my family again and i will be the one to kill you" she finished as the boy stepped back staring at her.

"they get along," older five said looking at the two teenagers "they're going to be the death of each other" he continued "How so" Luther questioned "look at them Luther their cats and dogs all they do is argue and boss each other around they're going to kill each other by the end of the day" older five said "i always thought they got along, i mean shes nice to me and i mean shes also nice to him...sometimes vice versa" Luther as the man rolled his eyes "he's the worse case of paradox psychosis I've ever seen" old five said as luther looked at he boy behind him "what wrong" older five then asked "i feel bad for him you know" luther said feeling sorry for the boy, "mind your business or ill give you something to stare at" five yelled from behind as the girl followed behind him embarrassed "he's just a little guy" luther then said "everybody is a little guy to you" old five whispered "you look like king kong and the hitler youth had a baby" old five continued as luther pulled a face, "look luther i don't have time for you to tuck and squeeze here can i count on you to keep him undercontrol" old five asked "yeah alright ill do my best" luther agreed as I'd five nodded in delight walking ahead "hey brother hows it going" luther asked stopping after the two teenagers "he's going to kill me isn't he" five asked "if he wont i will" the girl muttered "what, him he's going to kill you.....yeah right that ridiculous" luther scoffed "you know your a terrible liar luther you are worse liar then you are a spotter" five said fidgeting "okay whose fault is that what good is having a spotter if you wont even listen to him" luther said "so you admit your conspiring against me" five gasped "do you admit that your suffering from paradox psychosis" luther retorted back "all I'm suffering is from brain clarity about you and your murderous intentions" five spat back "look its not like he's going to 'kill you' kill you ghe just wants to kill a version of you" luther said " i am that version of me" five shouted "hey i don't love it either but he actually got a pretty good plan" luther admitted "what the one where you guys off me and jump back to 2019 to save the world" five hissed as he continued to fidgeted "yeah wait how did you know  that" luther questioned "because i am him and thats exactly what i would do if i was trying to kill me" five snapped back "all i know is that we've got one five to many and your the one acting like a maniac" luther breathed ,

"Maniac Luther you have seen nothing if you want a maniac i will give you a maniac" five shouted walking ahead "Now you've done it" Elena said standing next to Luther scaring him "oh...i forgot you were there" he gasped "okay looks five as your spotter i think the best thing that i can do......we can do for you right now is put you out of your misery" Luther pointed "don't bring into this fire" the girl spat "okay Luther listen in know your feeble mind only responds to age and maturity to listen very closely, yet again you are experiencing daddy issues this time with your brother which is making me a bit crazy but remember this i am fourteen day older then he is, i have seniority here so it is me you should be listening to Luther.....I'm the daddy here" five screamed catching people's attention as Luther and Selena looked around uncomfortable.

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