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"where have you been" five said as the girl walked in the door "out" she shrugged "wheres the briefcase" he then questioned "gone" she replied pouring herself a coffee "you went to the commission didn't you" five then questioned as the girl smirked "what did you do" he asked walking over to the girl "i got my revenge" she whispered as a small smile appeared on her face as the boy furyied his eyebrows and the girl looked up at him shooting him an innocent smile.

" i need your help" the boy then said opening the fridge pulling out a jug of water as the girl pulled a face "staying hydrated" she questioned as the boy chugged down his water "five" luther said walking into the room looking at the scene as the girl shrugged "you okay" he then questioned as the boy looked at him "I'm going need to be hydrated" he gasped looking for more water "did you break him" luther questioned "not that I know of" the girl shrugged "whats with the baby powder" luther questioned "it helps with the itching" five answered pouring the powder all over him "itching what itching what the hell is going on here" the man asked "you do have a plan" luther then gasped as the girl looked at them both "well its a desperation move but since our brain dead siblings are uncable of meeting a simple deadline i got no choice" five said walking out of the room "no choice about what" luther questioned "I've got to find myself" the boy answered " i arrived in dallas 15 minutes ago" he then added as the girls mind raced with thoughts "your crazy" she then shouted as the boy pointed to her "she knows" "should i be worried about you" luther then asked "luther if you recall i was sent to 1963 on a job buy the commission to make sure the president was assassinated" five said as he warmed up "oh wait so  your old self is out there" luther gasped "precisely" five replied "what walking around dallas" luther asked  "walking around with dallas with a briefcase that can get us sent home" five said "god five your a genuis" luther appulaed "since elena destroyed her one" five then chimmed in as the both looked at the girl "you had a briefcase this entire time" luther shouted "i forgot about it....then i broke it earlier" she mumbled "they're are two significant problems tho" five continued "problem one I'm a trained assassin arguably once of the most dangerous in the space time continum" he started at the girl scoffed " arguably one of the most dangerous male assassins" he corrected as the girl winked "and knowing me I'm not going to act kindly into bumping into myself" "second problem this ones a real fly on the ointment here your not suppose to exist in close approxmity to yourself in the same timeline the side effects can be diasterous " five finished "side effects what side effects" luther questioned "well according to the commission hand book chapter 27b subsection 3b the seven stages in paradox psychosis are: stgae one denial, stage two:itching, stage three:extreme thirst and urination, stage four: excessive gas,stage five:acute paranoia, stage 6:uncontrolled perspirtation and stage seven: homical rage" the boy listed as luther looks shocked "stage seven ins my favorite" the girl chuckled "homical rage huh" luther said as five nodded "wait how does she know all this" luther said looking at elena "oh yeah right, i use to work for the commission i infact was the best female assassin that they had ever seen and the only one they will" the girl said as luther stared at her "this day keeps getting werider" he mumbled "wait five are you sure this is a good idea" luther then questioned "its a hail mary but what choice to we have luther" five said pacing around " i don't know your already getting a bit squirrely if I'm being honest" ltuher admitted "look luther I'm going to need you and elenas help with this one alright i need spotters" five said grabbing the two "a spotter" lutehr asked "yeah" "like a wing man" luther questioned "incase the paradox pyschosis get to severe" five said looking around "i need you two to help me stay on task alright" he asked as the two nodded "elena already knows the symptoms but i need you to also keepy our eye out for me please so whatever happens whatever i say we need to get the briefcase" five asked as the two agreed "okay" the pair said together as five walked away "your an assassin" luther then whispered to the girl as she smiled "best in the family...don't tell five tho" she whispered back "come on" five then shouted as the pair looked at him "coming" the girl said as luther followed behind.

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