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"You know im starting to get the feeling dad's avoiding us" five said "hate to be the boring one guys but uh it's time we get the hell out of there" Lila said as she began to walk away "when you say we who exactly are you referring to" five then asked as the girl turned around "not a lot of ambiguity in that sentence" Lila then said "listen I don't know who you are or where you came from but whatever it is id advise you return posthaste" five spat "she's right five we gotta get out of here" Diego agreed "I just saved your life you kinder shit if I hadn't stepped in all that would  be left of you is a blazer and some bloody socks" Lila spat "and that's the problem your to good you ask to many questions you know to much and you fight like you know what your doing" five continued "he's got a point" Diego chimed in "so I know how to handle myself and that makes me the bad guy let's not so easily forget that Elena here fought one of those men too she basically nearly killed him and yet I'm the one being interrogated" Lila defend as Elena scoffed "way to point the gun at me" she said as she began to walk off "that doesn't matter but I will get an answer from her for that but whoever you are your in my way if I see you again I will kill you" five spat before he walked off as Lila followed "Diego we need to go" Lila said  as she stopped "I was getting my ass handed to me back there you helped five not me why" Diego asked "because he's a kid your a man bloody act like one" Lila said as Diego walked away "Diego you shouldn't " Lila stuttered "you know what I'm used to dealing with liars Lila but I like it better when I know what they're lying about" Diego said as she continued to walk away "oh come on Diego really your just gonna walk away Diego" Lila called out.

"you going to explain yourself or keep ignoring me" five asked as he ran up to the girl "I'm not ignoring you five, I'm just tired" Elena said as they walked into the kitchen as they both looked at Elliot and Luther asleep in the living room "it was self-defence that's all" Elena continued "yeah I get that but your too good to be studio taught" five spat as Elena walked away "you don't get to walk away from Me Elena" five shouted as he followed the girl down the stairs as she turned around to him "oh my god it's not important" she spat "you know more than one form of martial arts but also knife work it is becoming important" he spat 

"yes so I know how to handle myself and those around me it's simple really why can't you get that" she said as she stopped in her tracks "Who are you" he asked as she rolled her eyes "Really... your fucking ridiculous five" Elena spat "now leave me alone go get some sleep your powers are glitching and I don't trust that" she continued as she walked away

"What are you doing up" Elliot asked as he saw five sitting on the steps "couldn't sleep" five responded as he put his face in his hands as Elliot nodded "I'll make you something to eat" Elliot then said as he walked into the kitchen as five looked at him before following "how was the gala" Elliot asked breaking the silence "you know same as every fancy gala" five said as he poured some coffee "you drink a lot of that stuff don't you" Elliot chuckled "gotta keep the brain running Elliot" five then said "Elena says something along the same lines you to have a lot in common" Elliot chuckled as five nodded "OH that's right come I have to show you something I found" Elliot yelled as he quickly walked into Elena's room and turned on the light as five followed "where's Elena" five asked as Elliot shrugged "she's probably out on the roof she's usually up at this time she's always up with sparrows" Elliot said as he opened up a dresser "say has elena always known martial arts" five questioned as elliot paused "yes, since she was a young kid her mother was this.......you know I've said to much" elliot then gasped  as five raised an eyebrow "uuuuhhuh where is it" Elliot sighed "hey do me a favour and check under the bed she could have moved it, it's in the cardboard box" Elliot asked as five looked under neath the bed as he's eyes locked on a black briefcase covered in dust "did you find it" Elliot asked the boy "no try looking somewhere else" five mumbled as Elliot put his hands on his hips "I swear I put it in here oh maybe it's downstairs" Elliot guessed as he walked out the room as five pulled out the briefcase as he brushed of the dust as a set of numbers appeared on the side with the initial 'E' and symbol of the highheel as the boy then Unclipped the briefcase as a blue light flickered and crackled before quickly shutting down "the commission" five whispered as he looked under the bed for seeing another briefcase as he pulled it out as he saw the same set of numbers on it before he quickly opened it as he was met with a range of weapons ,

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