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"well" the handler started as she met five in the alley way as five handed her a plastic bag with a fish "ah Aj" she gasped taking the bag of the boy "you know your really starting to fill out those tight little shorts of yours" she continued looking at the boy as she giggled "why so quite i thought you be a buzz after this mornings kill" she then questioned "ah wait  is the teenage girl playing with your pubescent feelings" she questioned "all this killing I'm done with it" five stated "am i suppose to take that seriously.....my god she has gotten to you" the woman gasped looking at the boys face as she pulled out of tissues as she tried to wipe the boys face "what i did today i did for my family i did it to save the world" five stated "please spare me your little assassin with a heart old gold routine would you" she woman laughed "her eper to our agreement this will get you and your siblings back to 2019 where you belong" she said handing the boy a briefcase as he took it "you have 90 minutes" she finished as the boy looked at her"you said nothing about a time limit" five then said as the woman began to walk away "actually you have 89 minutes and 30 seconds" the handler corrected "better hurry" she teased "its impossible okay my entire family is scattered across texas" five pleaded "nothings impossible you proved that this morning when you killed the board"the womans said " i need more time" five asked "anymore time and people will start to question the sooner you get home nad out of this time period the better off well both be so ticktok" the handler said leaving five dumbfounded as he blinked away.

"i cant believes elliots dead" luther said as diego agreed "you okay elena" diego then asked looking at the girl in the corner in tears as the shot a look at him "elliot must have been getting close to the truth" diego said looking away from the girl "must of been the feds" he continued "what are you out of your mind dieog if this was the federal government they would take him away and start to question him they wouldn't torture him this was a work of a pyschopath not the feds" luther correct "olga for olga deigo mumbled as luther and the girl looked him "thats a name" diego then said as the girl face changed to anger "ill look her up" luther then said walking over to the phone as his brother followed "i found her" luther then said pointing at the number "call the bitch" diego ordered as luther picked up the phone and began to dial as five blinked into the room

"shit" he mumbled as he saw the blood before running up the stairs "damn" five sighed uncovering the deceased man before noticing the girl on the couch "elena" five mumbled as the girl looked up at him with anger in her eyes "this is all your fault! elliots dead because of you, you lead them to me, they killed him, you killed him..." the girl screamed grabbing the boys collar as he grabbed her arms "hey calm down" he calming said "you killed elliot, you killed him, i was starting to trust you and then you lead them to us......you killed him y--you killed him" the girl sobbed as she grabbed fives arms sobbing as she sunk to the ground as five helped her "you killed him" she repeated in between sobbs "i trusted you" she cried as five looked sadly at her "i killed him" she whispered "i killed him its my fault" she sobbed as she looked at five as he awkwardly hugged her as she sobbed into his shoulders "I'm sorry elena" she whispered as she then broke the hug "your covered in blood go wash up" she mumbled as five got up and shot her a smile as he walked into the living room "its olga or olga you idiots its Swedish for an eye for an eye the swedes kill elliot" five corrected them as diego apoloisgised the the lady on the phone "we would've gotten there eventually" luther said as five took off his jacket "you have some blood on you" diego noted "a lot actually"luther chimed in "what did you do" luther then asked as the boy walked into the bath room as the brothers looked at each other "you okay elena" luther asked as the girl walked into the kitchen "yeah" she mumbled as she turned on the tap washing her face "so the swedes killed elliot" luther continued as diego hit him "i know" she hissed as she walked into her room "so i found a way home" five said as his brothers looked at him "how" luther asked "the details are irrelevant but i made a deal to get back to our timeline" five informed them "what about dooms day" diego asked "wont happen" five then said "and the 2019 apocalypse" dieog continued "everything will be back to normal" five reassured "all right not more questions we gotta go" five said walking out "we have to find the others right" luther asked as five nodded "luther you go get allison, diego klaus and ill go get v" five stated as the boys began to walk to the door "we meet in the back arrival  alley way in 77 minutes" five said grabbing some watches then handing them to the brothers "here I've synchronized this watches" he said "lets do this" luther agreed as five began to walk away "whoa hold on you show up all drenched in blood and expect us to believe that you found us a way home and that everything will go back to normal?" deigo questioned "elliot just got killed because of us" five stated "what about dad,what about JFK" diego asked "diego we have found a way home a chance to make things right I'm going to take it" five said walking over to the man "i have to say goodbye to lila" diego than said "lila doesn't give a shit about you deigo she never did shes one of them shes from the commission" five informed him "no way not possible" diego said disagreeing " she was using you to get to me your the oswald of this story my friend the goddamn patsy" five continued as diego shook his head "you don't know aht your talking about" diego shouted "if i don't to this i will kill you myself got it" five threated as diego looked at him "five" diego then called out "bet you didn't know that your friend elena has powers, she used them the get away from the swedes the other night,hows that" diego said as five started at him in disbelief "go" five then shouted as the boys walked away.

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