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(All of these chapters will be in 3rd person unless stated otherwise)

Belarus woke up to a loud knocking on her door.

She blinked, rubbing her eyes and flinching slightly from the pain of rubbing her right side too hard.


"Russia. Now get up. We're gonna be late if you take any longer."

The room door opened. A boy of around 27 poked his head in. He had a white-blue-and-red striped flag and a fluffy ushanka covering his messy hair. His eyes looked almost rose-colored in the light.

Bela sat up in bed, suddenly self-conscious by the fact that a male individual had entered her sleeping chambers and she only had on a tank-top and espandex shorts before realizing that it was just her brother.

She shook her head and glared at the Russian. "Can't you be anymore gentle?"

"Maybe," Russia shrugged. "But you're the one who said to wake you up early on your first day of college."

Belarus blinked. "College?"

Russia nodded slowly. Then it all came back to her at once.

"College!" She threw her blanket off of her and leaped out of bed, almost falling flat on her face.

"Bela be careful." Russia said cautiously, hovering around his little sister worryingly.

"I can't!" She bounced up and down, grinning. "I'm going to an actual school for the first time! And it's university!"

She then stopped mid-motion with a blank expression on her face. She gripped Russia's shoulders. The tall figure almost had a heart attack.

"Was it hard? Going to college?" Belarus looked past Russia as she asked this.

"Well, no." He replied, relieved that his sister was still alive. "But I went through high school first. You know you're 17 so you'll be one of the youngest on campus and might get bullied...y'know, UN said that the scholarship can be applied within 2 years so maybe you should do Grade 12 then you-"

"Big brother. No offense but I'm not doing that. I've waited FAR too long for this moment. I will not let you or anything else stop me this time. Not even my stupid sickn-"

Bela's eyes widened. She let go of Russia, doubling over and coughing up a storm. Russia grabbed her before she fell.


Footsteps echoed down the corridor as their other sister came into view. She was 24, her flag was blue and yellow. Her hair fell across her shoulders. She wore, like Russia, a black suit and skirt (instead of pants) over a white dress shirt with a blue tie. She had a red and white flower crown in her hands, which she promptly dropped as she rushed over to her siblings.

"Bela? Oh God not again. Not today of all days-"

Ukraine rambled on whilst propping Bela against the bed.

"Everything was going so well for the past few weeks but now it's as if we're back to square 1 that'll curse me for trying to be happy hey maybe this is a sign that Belarus shouldn't go to college today or even this year for that matter I mean I'd something like this happens and nobody knows how to really deal with it except for Russia and I and Kazakhstan is in his 3rd year so he won't even be on the same floor ad you and oh God maybe this was a bad idea I mean it's just so-"

"Ukie. I want to do this." Bela spoke through gulps of air. She inhaled slowly. "I'm fine, see?"

Russia and Ukraine shared a nervous and concerned older sibling look. Bela wiped the blood dripping from her mouth before they faced her again.

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