A Pleasant Surprise.

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Late Eid Mubarak ansnndjdnfnf

Belarus' alarm rang loudly, echoing through her room. She turned it off, although even keeping it on was unnecessary as she had been up for the past 2 hours or so. The sun shone through her window. It hurt to blink.

There were more screams from downstairs that had woken her up. Bela had raced down to see Russia with a bruised eye, hurling insults at a Ukraine dashing up the stairs and Kazakhstan trying to stop him from following her up.

Bel stopped in the middle of the steps. Her older sister pushed past, causing Belarus to stumble a bit. She coughed into her hand, shaking. Kazakhstan heard and looked in her direction. He mouthed the words "Go back." and faced their elder brother, holding him back. Bela nodded and ran back to her room, slamming the door and locking it behind her.

What happened afterwards was kind of a blur, but she remembered crying for a while. Then maybe probably blacked out. No wonder her eyes were swollen.

Belarus stared at her wrists. They weren't bleeding, but there were slits in them that were red. She didn't remember taking off her bandages, but she must have cut some point during the night.

She blinked and got out of bed. Pulling out her phone, Bel took out her camera and stared at herself. Eyes red and swollen, hair a mess, those ugly cracks and that horrid black eye.

She went into the bathroom to get ready.

Unlocking the door and walking down the hallway took much longer than it should have. At least in Bela's opinion.

Sounds of soft snoring came from Russia's room. Maybe he wouldn't go in for work today. Yelling and physically fighting your siblings must take a lot out of you.

She passed by the bathroom to see Ukraine in front of the mirror, wrapping gauze around her arms. A bruise was forming below her right eye. Belarus paused for a moment.

The two sisters met eyes in the mirror reflection. Uki looked surprised and guilt appeared in her expression.

"Are...are you okay Raine?" Bel asked hesitantly.

"Oh yeah, I'm fine." The other country mumbled in a rather sarcastic tone. "Just tired since some stupid RUSSIAN СУКА DECIDED TO CAUSE A MAJOR SCENE AT 2 IN THE БЛЯКАНИЙ MORNING."

Silence arose for a moment. But then the footsteps and the sound of a door slammed open filled the hallways.


Ukraine replied with just as much aggressiveness. "WELL MAYBE IF YOU WEREN'T SUCH A SLOPPY DRUNK YOU WOULD ALREADY BE UP BY NOW."

This caused another argument to begin. Belarus covered her ears with her hands and went downstairs. Kazakhstan was leaning on a pillar by the front door, waiting for her.

The two siblings' eyes met. Without a word, Kazakhstan grabbed Bela's hand and they walked out of the house.

When they got to the car, Kaz paused for a while, his hands clasped tightly on the steering wheel. Bel was in the back, stretched out on the seats trying to get some rest. She poked her head up. Her brother wiped his eyes furiously and turned to look at her with a smile on his face. He took a pillow from the passenger seat and tossed it to the back.

"Sleep for a little bit okay? I'll let you know when we get to the school."

Too tired to question why he had been crying, Bela nodded and cuddled with the pillow, forgetting about the weekend she had just had and transporting into a dreamless sleep.

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