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The day had arrived. February 14, the Valentines Day dance.

The Oceania triplets were there first, with Australia looking around the gym as he fiddled with his suit. Fiji and New Zealand saw this and decided to poke fun at their brother.

"If you keep touching your top so aggressively, all the buttons with fall off." New Zealand warned, patting Aussie on the back reassuringly. They were also wearing a suit with a bowtie the colors of the non-binary flag. Their hair was down and curled around their shoulders.

"Yep, and then whatever you have underneath will be shown. Trust me, nobody wants to see that." Fiji joked, her hands behind her head as she nudged her siblings playfully. She was wearing a turquoise dress covered with question marks with fingerless gloves on, adjusting the straight ally pin in her hair.

"What are you looking for anyway? The ghost of Christmas past?"

"Ugh, no you idiots." Australia frowned at his siblings, crossing his arms and sighing quietly before he spoke again. "I...I'm waiting for South Africa."

"Well, no duh. Your crush on her is known by basically everyone! You make it so obvious." Fiji pointed out, causing Aussie to glare at her.

"I know it's obvious! But it's different today because...I asked her to the dance." He admitted, beginning to blush profusely. "And she said yes, but as long as we started going out afterward, so..."

Fiji's eyes widened as a smile formed on her face. "No way! That's awesome! You're the first one of us to not be single." She exclaimed, hugging her brother tightly while celebrating.

"Yep. Congrats, dude." New Zealand mumbled, not really paying attention to their siblings' antics since their eyes were glued to their phone.

This is all I have written, and I don't trust myself enough to write anymore.

At first, this was going to be the climax of the story where Tonga reveals that he actually had a crush on Fiji. Belarus is left heartbroken, New Zealand comforts her, and then there would be a dozen or so more chapters where Bela realizes who has been by her side the whole time. Hell, I even wanted to include a plotline where they try and find a cure for Bela's cracks because she wasn't ready for a relationship after what happened with Tonga. (He never intentionally led her on btw, just wanna point this out)

Then, after my SA occured, I didn't have the mental stability to write about anything romantic without being reminded of my abuser. So I took a hiatus and shortened it to around 5 chapters after this Valentine's Day scene.

It took over 7 months for me to really be able to comprehend the experience at camp due to multiple personal issues. But even when I was writing the 2nd to last chapter I posted here, I realized that it would be a struggle finishing this book. So I made this the last chapter.

I hoped that it could just be an extra long one with New Zealand and Belarus sharing a kiss with barely any loose ends tied together. But that didn't happen either.

I never wanted to break the promise I made not to be one of those writers who disappeared from the grid for years with no reason. But, as time went on, I realized I might be one of those.

Writing was always a fun past time, but deep down I knew that my high school education was more important than writing about humanized landmasses. Also, I find this whole story cringe especially since I've lost interest in majority of the ships mentioned in here for various reasons(Finding out Finland x Estonia was incest did a lot to my brain)

Hell, I'm planning on taking college courses and this fic just won't be able to fit into all of that stress I know I'll have to endure. So I'm closing this down for now. If I ever do decide to come back and write the ending for this book, I'll let yall know. But I just can't right now.

So, after 300+ pages in my notes app, dozens of character sketches and over a year since this book was published, I think that this is goodbye for now.

I'm no longer on wattpad like I used to be, but you can always message me on my community tab and I'll get back to you whenever. And I'm sorry it had to end like this.

I adored all of your funny comments and theories that really helped bring motivation to my hands, as well as talkimg to a few of yall on discord. This has been a wonderful opportunity and I'm so grateful to everyone that read "Those Eyes".

So, before I drone on and on about nothing while crying myself a river, I should go now. Don't comment on misspellings, I'll hit you.

Goodbye for now, and I hope you have a great rest of your day.

- Webba❤️

You've reached the end of published parts.

⏰ Last updated: Feb 05 ⏰

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