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Hey, It's Webba.

This is gonna be simple and sweet.

I have all the ideas for the rest of the book in my head, I just have to type it out.

Maybe some of you knew that I went to camp for a while which was why I wasn't working on the newest chapter.

I went through an event at camp that left me really scarred and numb.

Until I can try and cope with my trauma in a healthy and strong manner, I don't think I'll be able to write in the same way i used to.

Again, this book WILL NOT be discontinued. Rather, it will most likely be on hiatus for a while.

How long is a while? I cannot say.

Thank you so much for all of the love and support you guys have shown! For my 1k reads celebration, I'm in the process of making a discord server since I'm always on discord nowadays. It'll be up and ready soon I hope, so keep a look out for the link on my conversations tab.

Besides that, I hope no one is angered by this.

I know some writers say that they'll just take a break but then never come back, but this is not the case. This book has to be finished for all of you out there, and myself too.

The love and kindness you have shown have made me able to get through my day. And after the event happened, opening up Wattpad to read your messages has helped me get through the toll of being numb and unsure of myself. And I am forever grateful to all of you.

Again, if you ever want to reach out to me, there's always my discord and DMs on Wattpad that are open 24/7.

Until we talk again, keep shining, being awesome and amazing individuals and don't stop being a weird one that likes reading about landmasses kissing.

Have a great rest of your day! And I hope 2023 has a lot of good things in store for you


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