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Short chapter incoming cause it's just aftermath.

Also Belarus and Soviet fam angst :)

TW: mentions of abuse, yelling, gaslighting and self harm

Read on with caution.

The only thing that could be heard was the sound of Belarus' sobbing. South Africa and Tonga continued to comfort their friend whilst her siblings tried to fully process the event that had just happened.

All eyes turned to Armenia. Most full with shock. Others, like Ukraine's, were filled with hatred.

"Armenia I can't believe you're so stupid!" She yelled. Her body started to turn red and black, beginning with her hands. This always happened when the Ukrainian got angry. She placed her hands on her hips and swore under her breath.

"It wasn't my fault! Russia said-" Armenia halted in his explanation. The tension in the room became so thick you had to cut it with a chainsaw.

Ukraine glanced up at her eldest brother slowly. Russia had maintained a neutral expression so far but now he looked on with guilt for Belarus. No empathy for the country he had just made have a panic attack and vomit. But his little sister only. She bared her teeth, grinding them down.

"You. Me. Now." Ukraine spoke in a calm yet threatening tone, she pulled Russia by his arm into the hallway leading to the kitchen.

Belarus stopped crying, her siblings retreating from their childhood home like their lives depended on it. Soon, she knew, that the two would start screaming. Things would get ugly. She had already been embrassed once today in front of her friends, she didn't need to add anything else to the list.

She sniffed and wiggled out of Tonga's embrace. "You should go." She advised both of them.

South Africa and Tonga both exchanged looks. "A-are you sure? Don't you wanna head back with us?" SA asked, pulling at her puff.

Belarus nodded. "Please, I'll be fine." She wouldn't. None of them really believed it. Estonia, who was near Belarus watched this exchange. Her eyes met with her younger sister's, who silently pleaded for help out of this situation. She sighed and walked over to the three countries.

"Belarussia is right, it's getting dark and you all should go." Estonia confirmed.

Tonga glared at her. "We would, but we can't-"

"-You can't just go and catch a bus ride? No problem! I can call an Uber or better yet, you can ride home with one of us!" She interrupted with what seemed to be cheerful suggestions.

South Africa began to look angry. "No, what he meant was that it would be terrible for us to-"

"-Hitch a ride from us? Don't worry, Lat and Lith are already heading your way! You guys live at the UN University dorms right?" She interrupted yet again.

South Africa nodded reluctantly. "Ja. The dorms reopen back up today, we were planning to swing over there."

Tonga elbowed her. Their eyes met and it seems that some argument was held. Ukraine and Russia's voices could be heard getting louder and louder. Kazakhstan, (who had been asleep on a chair like he always was during these gatherings) now went over to Belarus and pulled her up, holding her in a comfort hug. He looked at the two and mumbled.

"Go with Latvia and Lithuania, they're trustworthy and I can take care of Belarus."

Tonga and SA looked from their friend to Kaz to Estonia, who now smiled brightly at them, showing off her extra sharp canines to them. Tonga gulped nervously and finally made a decision. "Okay, we'll go with you guys."

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