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Time skip (I have no ideas, pls-)

February 12th for em btw

(A/N: I took a long break between writing this, so my style might go through a dramatic change.)

"So...what are you guys planning for the Valentines Day Dance?" Fiji drummed on the table in excitement.

Mongolia sipped her drink with a quizzical look on her face. "Isn't it kind of weird to be having a dance in university? I mean, last year we didn't have one of those."

"It's called plot, Mongol. Obviously, something is gonna happen at the dance." South Africa pointed out.

"True. I mean, it's pretty clear."

"Stop doing that weird way of talking like you guys know what's happening beyond our world." Kazakhstan lifted his head up from his girlfriend's shoulder and nodded at Belarus and New Zealand. "Do you guys have any ideas on what to do?"

New Zealand shrugged. "Maybe pride flags? I mean, Valentines is all about love and stuff."

"Oh! That's a good idea since it's also June for them right now!" Fiji squealed.

Australia blinked in confusion. "Uhh...who is "them" exactly?"

Fi ignored his comment and turned to Bela. "Do you know your sexuality Bel? Aussie and Mongolia are straight, Tonga is also straight but demisexual too, Kaz is bi, Soaf is pan, and I'm questioning!"

"Oh. Well...I don't know, I mean -" The other country tried to stammer out a reply but couldn't.

"That's alright Belarus, it's okay to be questioning. We'll support you if need be." Tonga smiled sweetly at the Belarussian, who blushed tremendously.

"T-thanks...It's just that I've had crushes on guys and even girls, but I could never ignore their gender...if that makes sense." She ranted and sighed into her hands.

NZ took one of her hands in theirs and patted it l, comforting the other. Belarus beamed at them in gratitude. Zea smiled while Aussie proceeded to take a picture of the two on his phones. Tonga grinned at the sight.

"Okay, so we just wear our pride flag colors?" Tonga spoke up, breaking the silence. The rest nodded.

"Well, that settles it!" South Africa smiled, opening up her bag to get out her sketchpad and pencil case. She stood up and spoke in a proud voice. "I'll design the outfits! Wanna come with me to work, Aussie?"

Australia blinked in surprise when she asked him. "Why me?"

"Because you're good at designing stuff, dummy."

"Oh yeah..."

Australia blushed as he rubbed the back of his neck. SA rolled her eyes at him and pulled him up, dragging him away with a smile on her face. The rest watched them go before Fiji spoke up.

"Well, now that one pair of lovebirds are we can focus on the other ones~"

She had a big smirk on her face as she put her hands together with an evil smirk  and looked over at Belarus.

"Bel! Do you have a date for the dance~"

Belarus almost choked on her drink as she looked at Fiji with a confused expression on her face.

"U-uh...Of c-course not. Why do you even ask that?"

Fiji shrugged, glancing at her sibling right next to the Belarussian. New Zealand didn't meet her eyes, sipping their water so they didn't have to say anything. Fi just folded her arms before she spoke a bit slyly.

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