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The door of the English home slammed open. America looked up from the TV to find his two younger siblings carrying the other one between themselves.

"Oh fuck. Kiwi!" He leaped up and ran to New Zealand, clasping their face. He looked up quickly at the others, his sunglasses sliding down as he did so. "What happened?"

"Uhm, long story." Australia replied, trying hard not to meet his brother's eyes. "Let's get them sitting down first."

America nodded in response. "Canada! Get down here with the First Aid kit!"

"I don't need that shit." New Zealand muttered, half-conscious. They suddenly heaved and vomited again. America stood right in the way of their fire.

He leaped up just in time to avoid most of the black puke, wrinkling his nose. "Seems like you do. C'mon." Aussie and Fiji sat NZ on the couch. Canada came racing down with the kit. Gasping a little at the sight of his sibling but otherwise staying as calm as America. The Fijian and Australian however, both sitting down on either side of New Zealand, were traumatized by what had just happened and terrified for their sibling's safety. Shivers seeped through them both. New Zealand looked up at their eldest brother with a sort of plea in this pitch black eyes. Something you could only see if you've had those same eyes before.

America grimaced. The two had to leave otherwise New Zealand would feel too overwhelmed and keep throwing up the whole night. But how to get two overprotective people away from the one whom they were protecting. Simply asking them to leave wouldn't work.

He snapped out of his thoughts. NZ was in pain he knew. So he had to think of something and fast.

"Fiji. Australia." America said in the most serious voice he could muster, shaking the fear out of it. "Go and clean up the puke in the living room."

Australia looked shocked at the monotone of his brother's voice. "Why both of us?! Who will stay with Ki-"

"I will stay with New Zealand. For now, go mop the mess before it stains. And you know how Mom and Britain feel about things like this. If they find out..."

"Okay! Fine we'll go. C'mon Aus." Fiji jumped up and pulled on the Australian's arm, who stood reluctantly and glanced at the downcasted sibling slumped on the couch.

America watched them go and got down on his knees. "Panic attack? How was it, 1-10?"

New Zealand shuddered as they spoke. "7, could have been worse. But still pandemonium."

America smiled. "Do you know the reason why?"

"My blindfold went off somehow and they saw my eyes."

The room went silent. The American cursed under his breath.

"Where did you go exactly?"

New Zealand bit the inside of their cheek before they spoke.

"Russia's place. The whole birthday thing was for his little sister, Belarus."

America froze and pinched the bridge of his nose. He shut his eyes tight. That stupid boyfriend of his. But there's no way...

"Did he make any sign of recognizing you?" Canada wondered.

"Nope, just glared a lot and let us in."

America stood up and started pacing around the room. "I'll have to have a talk with him later...that idiot fuck..."

Then he sighed and looked sympathetically at New Zealand. Shaking his head, he turned and went upstairs, clearly at a loss for words.

Canada glared at the American retreating. Like he understood how America felt right now but wasn't taking care of Kiwi more important than talking to a deadbeat alcoholic.

No time to critique him now however, Canada cupped New Zealand's face with his hand. "Do you still feel like puking Zea?" He spoke in a soft voice.

NZ shook their head. "Just hungry...and dirty. Can I go up to my room and change?"

Canada smiled playfully, wrinkling his nose. "Sure, and while you're at it, go brush your teeth as well. Cause your breath stinks."

The younger country punched the other's arm, standing up slowly and walking towards the stairway.

Nada rubbed his arm and laughed to himself. "What a trooper!" He said in his most American voice. "You've been practicing your punches eh?" He heard Zea laugh quietly then make a wincing sound. His smile fell off of his face.

"Wait, Kiwi..."

New Zealand looked back at their brother.

"Do you think you'll be able to go to school on Monday? I don't know how you feel but we can always make something up to Maman and Father."

NZ froze again. Just like at the party. They imagined the horrified expressions on all those countries' faces.


South Africa's...


Even Fiji and Australia look shell-shocked and they were more used to the panic attacks!

But it was her...

Her face of sadness, pity, disgust and fear all mixed into one...

New Zealand didn't need to see that again, knowing that they've ruined one more chance for happiness.

They could handle being outcasted in their own family.

Treated like it was a life-threatening disease.

Having rumors spread about eating disorders and other inflictions.

Doing things alone because they always reached for help, even if it hurt.

But this...



"NeZe? You wanna go to school or-?"


Canada shot a confused look at them, usually they were so strong when it came to doing things anyway even after extreme sickness.

But before Nada could say anything more, New Zealand disappeared up the staircase, determined never to go  out and see anyone else again.

Especially not her.

After all...

Bela probably hated them now.

And the thought of that was too unbearable to handle.

I mean...

Who would ever want to be around someone like NZ after finding out the truth?

No one knew what it was to have their eyes...

And it would continue to stay that way.

So uhm...I guess I'm back now.

I've gotten back motivation and things are looking up!

Sorry for this really short chapter. And if the writing style seems to change a bit, I started writing this chapter around the end of December then went on hiatus and did bits and pieces of it soooooooo 🙃

Have a great rest of your day!

-Webba ♡

(1048 words)

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