Packing suitcase

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All septuplets are age of 11, they have powers, well only three of them....take it more like Boboiboy original series before season 2 beginning 

It was a room with two beds. Tanah closes his suitcase and smiles. He finally finished packing for the trip. Yes, the septuplets are heading back to Tok Aba's house and this time they are gonna live there permanently. "I guess I should check if others are done too" mumbles Tanah. Being the usual mother he is, heads to check if his other halves have finished packing.

Tanah returns from kitchen tiredly. He just finished keeping the snacks back. What do I mean by it? Well you see....


"Api that's not how you pack suitcase!!" says Tanah while groaning. Api's suitcase was filled with video games, comics and other so called necessary stuff. His cloths weren't kept properly either (well they all were sports outfits and his some favourite T-shirts to begin with). Tanah sighs and packs everything properly while showing Api how to actually pack a suitcase, who was smiling sheepishly, rubbing the back of his head and listening everything. Witnessing the drama, Angin quickly folds his clothes properly so that he won't be scolded by their 'mama'. Tanah checks his suitcase and smiles because it was perfect as he needed it to be (Heh! You really think I didn't notice you there Angin! Well atleast you packed it properly).

Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh ah ah it hurtsss leave me 

Shouts Air who's ear was pulled by Tanah. He had no comments or can say was totally blank after seeing his suitcase which was full of snacks and plushies. Typical Air. He was sleeping so soundly feeling that he has done a great work. 

flashback end...

Tanah sweat drops after seeing Daun's suitcase. He did not know what to say to this innocent bean who has kept all the first aid stuff, materials used for garden, some snacks, some games, some books and some extra clothes which were of his siblings not his own. He really was following the orders when the eldest said to keep necessary items. "Sooo what do you think Tanah ^o^? I packed it just like you said UwU". Tanah was confused on what to say, at this point he was agreeing on Gopal's statement which he said to him last time, "Are you sure your siblings are sane Boboiboy?" 

Well at least Petir's suitcase was packed perfectly, what can you expect from eldest septuplet now? Just one person left, that is Cahaya. He didn't pack his suitcase when Tanah was in room so after packing his own, he packed for Cahaya as well. He thought there was nothing to check for Cahaya 

Poor child was proven wrong 

After returning to his room, he saw half of the packed clothes were on bed and the suitcase was filled with books, there was another bag on bed completely filled with books. Cahaya any last wishes?

Yes, that's how our septuplets pack their suitcase. Do pray for mama Tanah, he handles these people on his own

Between if you didn't understand, Tanah and Cahaya has a shared bedroom, Angin, Api and Air has a shared bedroom and lastly Petir and Daun has a shared bedroom.....

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