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Septuplets are of age 12, they have powers 

When Tanah and Daun goes for shopping:

Tanah is standing near vegetable counter, looking at fresh vegetables and thinking what is required and what's not. Daun is beside him, holding the trolley while looking at the vegetables.

"What are you gonna cook for dinner mama? ^_^"

"Today Fang is joining us so I was thinking of making carrot soup" said Tanah while looking at carrots "also stop calling me mama Daun". Tanah picks up a bundle of fresh carrots and put them in trolley.

"But Cahaya does not like carrots" said Daun while tilting his head, face interpreting confusion 

Tanah hums and moves forward to pick up a bundle of onions. He continues, "He has to eat them especially for his eyes which needs to be healthy. He neither gives them rest nor eat vegetables like carrots and spinach". Tanah looks in the section of green leafy vegetables, "I and Tok have planned to make him eat all those today" Tanah walks forward towards another section 

Daun trails behind Tanah with trolley and thinks, 'Heh! Cahaya will be all whiny today'

After sometime...

"Daun what's all this?!?" 

"Oh I just thought to buy these items which are good for eyes! We can make a separate soup for Cahaya with all these! It would be healthy and nutritious"

Tanah looks at the trolley which was filled with fish meat, avocados, sweet potatoes, spinach, nuts, citrus fruits, etc., he then looks at Daun with a horrified expression 

"You plan to put all this in soup for Cahaya?!??"

"Ya? OwO" Daun tilts his head, "Is something wrong mama?" 

Tanah facepalms.

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